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What tools do I need??

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  • What tools do I need??

    Going to fit 4 ball joints tomorro what tools do u recommend that I will need?? Got a bolljoint remover, fork type thingy wondering what else I should have at my disposal??

    has anyone fitted balljoints recently??
    Fuzzy wuzzy wuz a woman??

  • #2
    Originally posted by elmerfudd
    Going to fit 4 ball joints tomorro what tools do u recommend that I will need?? Got a bolljoint remover, fork type thingy wondering what else I should have at my disposal??

    has anyone fitted balljoints recently??
    I always find a big hammer comes in handy for most jobs!
    So many toys-So little cash


    • #3
      A very big hammer...... a good quality jack......axle stands... I also use a hardened steel bar for extra leverage (5 ft long).

      A kettle, some coffee, a mug, some sugar, tobacco and papers, a lighter, a packet of plasters (bumper pack) for skinned knuckles.

      And my kids always place a swear box close by, they reckon I keep them in choccie bars for a year.

      Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


      • #4
        oh yeeeees I have 3 big hammers!! nothin else like circlips or anything like that??
        Fuzzy wuzzy wuz a woman??


        • #5
          suitable sized ratchet / spanner
          rubber gloves if you don't like getting greasy
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

