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4 Wheel Drive

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  • 4 Wheel Drive

    Hi all,drove the surf on some untreated icy roads on sunday and felt a twitch here and there even at slowish ?(45/50mph) speeds. The question I would like to ask is,should I have switched to 4 wheel drive or could it have caused damage.
    What do you all do in these situations?.

  • #2

    In my opinion (which could well be worthless) if the conditions allowed you to do 45/50mph, having 4wd wouldn't make much difference if you hit a big patch of ice.

    Beside the point though, cos you shouldn't really use 4wd above say 30mph, especially on tarmac, due to the wind-up going through the driveshafts and gearbox. I sometimes stick it in 4wd when needing to pull away from slippery junctions in a hurry, through I can feel th steering stiffen up as the tyres are trying to compensate fpr being locked into drive.

    Basically i'd only use 4wd in a surf if you couldn't easily get around in 2wd.


    Just trying to raise my postcount!


    • #3
      Originally posted by B16mts

      In my opinion (which could well be worthless) if the conditions allowed you to do 45/50mph, having 4wd wouldn't make much difference if you hit a big patch of ice.

      Beside the point though, cos you shouldn't really use 4wd above say 30mph, especially on tarmac, due to the wind-up going through the driveshafts and gearbox. I sometimes stick it in 4wd when needing to pull away from slippery junctions in a hurry, through I can feel th steering stiffen up as the tyres are trying to compensate fpr being locked into drive.

      Basically i'd only use 4wd in a surf if you couldn't easily get around in 2wd.


      Sounds like good advice to me!!
      It just does, OK?


      • #4
        i wouldnt do 45/50 on icy roads! - you could roll the surf at those speeds if it all goes pear shaped, and dread to think what would happen if you have to stop in a hurry on ice at that speed for an emergency.,.....
        as these heavy beasts are nightmare on ice even at low speeds, regardless on 2wd or 4wd if you are braking
        Landcruiser Colorado
        Sub. Forester


        • #5
          Originally posted by B16mts

          In my opinion (which could well be worthless) if the conditions allowed you to do 45/50mph, having 4wd wouldn't make much difference if you hit a big patch of ice.

          Beside the point though, cos you shouldn't really use 4wd above say 30mph, especially on tarmac, due to the wind-up going through the driveshafts and gearbox. I sometimes stick it in 4wd when needing to pull away from slippery junctions in a hurry, through I can feel th steering stiffen up as the tyres are trying to compensate fpr being locked into drive.

          Basically i'd only use 4wd in a surf if you couldn't easily get around in 2wd.



          Looking at the info, I think you will find you can use the 4WD at higher speeds than 30MPH. As it says you can engage as long as you are below 50MPH (I think)


          • #6
            I would think twice about using 4wd on icy roads or even snow covered roads on a 2nd Gen. Without the center diff the front and rear wheels are locked so even the slightest bend you will force one of the rear wheels into a skid as it slips (try it and get ready to enter a field!!) this is how wind up occurs on normal tarmac because one of the rear wheels is unable to slip due to different turning circles.



            • #7
              Personally I say as long as the conditions allow the wheels to slip then its OK to use 4wd, only when conditions don't allow wheels to slip you will get wind up.
              Last lot of good snow we had, I used 4wd, what a difference to cornering grip etc etc. Not saying it allowed me to corner in the snow at speed but it afforded more control on the bends with all wheels being driven.
              I never lost it and ended up in fields, bushes, railings etc. I just carried on going whilst others around me got stuck.
              Thats what 4wd is there for, have fun.
              Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

              My 4x4
              My choice
              Back off


              • #8
                Originally posted by M35A2
                Looking at the info, I think you will find you can use the 4WD at higher speeds than 30MPH. As it says you can engage as long as you are below 50MPH (I think)
                Yeah, you can use 4wd at any speed you like, there is no limit, whether its safe to is another matter......
                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                • #9
                  when we get snow, i often have to use 4wd as back end spins out at the slightest touch of go pedal, and thats taking it easy!
                  not sure if its the camac mud tyres or what,
                  but need it in 4wd to get anywhere safely!
                  Landcruiser Colorado
                  Sub. Forester


                  • #10
                    I rarely get any snow so don't have this problem... Pointless me answering really!

                    Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all the replys ppl, next time its icy i will take the scoob.
                      HEREFORD IS IN ENGLAND.

