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  • pictures

    anyone know how to downsize pictures so i can put them with a thread ??
    in fools terms, please
    gettin coooooler... and dark....

  • #2
    Originally posted by surfcarl
    anyone know how to downsize pictures so i can put them with a thread ??
    in fools terms, please
    Open the picture on your PC with the included picture editor MS Photo Editor, then using "image" then "resize" then "save as" controlls or if you have another editor PSP etc use the resize controls within them.
    Last edited by Paff; 28 January 2006, 16:53.
    Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !


    • #3
      pick the piccie that you want

      right click and then edit

      click image then streatch;scew

      change horisontal & verticle both to 50%


      hey presto, file now small enough to attach to the forum

      cheers scotty


      • #4
        Originally posted by scotty
        pick the piccie that you want

        right click and then edit

        click image then streatch;scew

        change horisontal & verticle both to 50%


        hey presto, file now small enough to attach to the forum

        cheers scotty

        You can do that within the forum ??

        Yes I have yet to post one
        Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Paff
          You can do that within the forum ??

          Yes I have yet to post one
          nah, in windows.

          open it with paint or something.
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            Don't you have to part with a tenner before you can post pics?


            • #7
              Originally posted by da SLUG man
              nah, in windows.

              open it with paint or something.

              Sorry, I thought that's what I said in my first post

              Don't think you have to join?

              What you get if you join... correct me if I am wrong.

              1. A blue star next to your name on posts so that people know what a wonderful person you are. (Yellow stars are the admins)
              2. The ability to have a custom user title rather than the standard, newbie surfer, intermediate surfer etc.
              3. The ability to have a custom avatar and profile picture rather than the standard ones.
              4. Enables your Private Message function
              5. The nice warm fuzzy feeling that you are helping this board to keep going and providing all that help and fun to members of the Surfing brother/sister hood (from now on know as "the hood").
              6. Windscreen & bumper sticker

              You should be able to "open with" - right click on the picture. Then choose your picture edit program.

              The answer that Scotty gave - message 3, that works OK. You are just making the picture half sized.
              Last edited by Paff; 28 January 2006, 17:03.
              Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !


              • #8
                I've been wrong before.......1978 I think it was.......


                • #9
                  Here's good little tool...normally used for resizing avatar pics...
                  You can download a few, changing the application as stated and they will not interfere with each other..



                  • #10
                    sorted.... fankooooo mates......

                    gettin coooooler... and dark....

