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Ah! Christmas

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  • Ah! Christmas

    The 12 days of christmas....

    December 14th

    My Dearest John,
    I went to the door today and the postman had for me a partridge in a pear
    tree. What a delightful gift. Thank you for the wonderful thought.

    With deep love and affection always.

    Your loving Agnes.

    December 15th

    Dearest John,
    Today the postman brought your very sweet gift - Two turtle doves. I am
    delighted they are adorable.

    All my love,

    Your Agnes.

    December 16th

    Dear John,
    Oh, how extravagant you really are. I really must protest. I don't deserve
    such generosity Three French Hens. I insist you are too kind.

    Love Agnes.

    December 17th

    Dear John,
    Yet another present, this time Four Calling Birds. You really are spoiling

    Love Agnes.

    December 18th

    Dearest John,
    What a surprise, today the postman brought me Five Gold Rings, one for every
    finger. You really are impossible, but I love you. Frankly all those birds
    were beginning to get on my nerves with their constant squawking.

    Your ever loving Agnes.

    December 19th

    Dear John,
    When I opened the door this morning, there were actually six ****** great
    laying eggs all over the front doorstep. So, we're back with the birds again
    are we?
    Where on Earth do you suppose I can keep them all? The neighbours say they
    can smell them and I can't sleep for the noise. Please stop.

    Cordially Agnes.

    December 20th

    What is it with these sodding birds? Now I get Swans a-swimming. Is this
    some sort of goddam joke or what? The house is full of bird **** and, as for
    the racket they make, I'm becoming a nervous wreck. So - it's not funny,
    stop sending ****** birds.


    December 21st

    OK Buster
    I think I prefer the birds. What the hell am I going to do with eight Maids
    a-milking? It's not enough with all those birds, now I have eight cows
    ****ting all over the house and mooing all night. Lay off smartass.


    December 22nd

    Dear ****head,
    What are you? Some kind of nut? Now I have Nine Pipers playing and Christ do
    they play. When they aren't playing their sodding pipes they're chasing the
    maids through the cow ****. The cows keep mooing and treading all over the
    ****** birds and the neighbours are threatening to have me evicted.

    You'll get yours.

    December 23rd

    You Rotten *******,
    Now we have ten ladies dancing! How on Earth anyone can call these whores
    'Ladies' is beyond me. They are balling the pipers all night long, the cows
    can't sleep and have diarrhoea. My living room is a river of **** and the
    landlord's just declared the building unfit.

    **** off.

    December 24th

    Listen Twohead,
    With eleven lords a-leaping all over the maids, the ladies and me we may
    never walk again. The pipers are fighting the lords for the crumpet and are
    committing buggery with the cows. All the birds are dead and rotting amongst
    the cow ****
    after being tramped during the orgy, but not before they had eaten my gold
    rings. I hope you're satisfied, you rotten vicious ****house.

    Your sworn enemy,

    Grabbit & Runn
    25th December

    Dear Sir,
    We are in receipt of your gift of the 25th inst. of Twelve Fiddlers fiddling
    with themselves. We understand that this is merely the latest infliction in
    your sustained persecution of our client, Miss Agnes Fullbody, who is at
    present residing in the Happy Hours Nursing Home.

    We are under instructions to charge you with the destruction of our client's
    sanitation and genitalia. You are warned not to attempt to contact Miss
    who has given the Nursing Home staff instructions to shoot you on sight. A
    warrant has been issued for your arrest and should be served after you
    receive this letter.

    Yours faithfully,
    Grabbit & Runn

    P.S. Merry Christmas
    Last edited by AlanM6; 12 December 2003, 21:56.
    WD40 "He who Thinks Australian"

  • #2
    To coin a phrase - Bwahahaha!!


    • #3
      [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][COLOR=darkorange]The chickens are stealing my sanity[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

