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Sleepless nights are here again..

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  • Sleepless nights are here again..

    Well, baby no.2 arrived safely at 18:43 on Wednesday night, little girl weighing in at 8lbs 13oz (not that little really). Now just got to get used to being kept awake most of the night by her and unable to sleep during the day because my little boy wants attention....at least I got 3 weeks off work to get used to it...

    So glad I got the surf last May - stacks of room for all of the "accessories" that go with having two kids - prams, nappy bags, toys, coats, boots, buckets, spades etc etc.

    And I feel a hell of a lot safer driving round in the surf than a little hatchback!!!

  • #2
    Congrats mate! Glad your little 'uns are gonna be travelling in style in the back of you Surf.

    Nice pic of that Cornish tin mine on your avatar. Bit of a mine shaft searcher myself. Love Cornish heritage me.
    /_/ _ | 0\__
    \,...__,..._ /


    • #3
      Heyhey, congratulations.

      Whatever you say about sleep, They're the best thing in the world. I spent today just me and my 7 month old girl, while the missus was out doing girly stuff.

      Kids are great



      • #4
        Congratulations mate, my girlfriend has been in very early labour sionce thursday, looks like a section tomorrow or monday but i will share the pain of sleepless nights soon enough.


        MPG? Don't you mean GPM.


        • #5
          Congratulations to both of you. You have three reasons for a huge grin now.
          It's only a hobby!

