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Looking for Support please

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  • Looking for Support please

    Thanks for reading thanks for caring please dig deep
    Hi all

    Problems with the site should be ok now

    Thanks everyone for emails.
    Last edited by Highlander1; 21 January 2006, 14:40. Reason: problems with site should be ok now
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    Originally posted by Highlander1
    Hi all

    I hope what I am about to post isn't deemed inappropriate, I am a devoted Surf owner though I am also an avid bike rider. I see lots of Surfers have bikes like me as second modes of transport so here goes.



    I live near a very remote wee fishing village in West Highlands Called Mallaig I am a member of the Deer Shunters Motor Bike Club (aptly called co's if one can cause 2.5 k worth of damage to my Surf think what they can do to a motor cyclist.) We are half a dozen or so family guys.

    Some of the guys in the club together with myself have come up with a scheme to raise £50.000pounds for Save The Children.

    We leave on 14 June 2006 from Mallaig village on our own bikes to travel through Eastern Europe visiting orphanages as we travel to the capital cities of 9 East European countries in 14days!!! the trip will take us around 4,500miles. We don't have a back up crew we are riding our own bikes sleeping rough and visiting orphanages on route to raise the profile of the work done by Volunteers to save the kids.We will take a video diary and plenty of pictures on route.

    Folks this is a big task and were struggling for sponsors to help by paying us
    for advertising their companies etc.

    We will wear sponsors names on our clothing our bikes etc and will plug advertising across UK for next 5 months till the Challenge is finished via radio and hopefully TV.

    We need to raise the cash for Save The Children so that the kids can get the help they so desperatley need.

    Any folks who think you can help or would like us to advertise please give me a call 01687470404 or email. We have managed to get the BBC Really Wild Show presenter Terry Nutkins to come and see us on our way. If you know any other celebs who would join in please give us a contact.

    Sorry this isn't really a Surf related chat but from one Surfer to another I
    am looking for any help you can give. We want to get to everyone across the UK to plug this trip so any friendly radio stations etc please let me have details. We need to raise the cash and can't do it without publicity, which is not easy from where we live.

    We hope 18th of June will become National safe riding day to help prevent folks getting hurt on the bikes so are asking bike owners across the country to get out for a run on 18th June 2006 and show support by wearing something red, red rag tied to bike scarf etc and sponsoring us.

    please log into www.justgiving.com/mallaigdeershunters if you'd like to help by making a donation to Save The Children.

    If every biker in the country gave a couple of quid we could raise millions.

    By the way the trip*** every penny raised goes to Save The Children***** not one cent in used for expenses weve saved for that and are self funding everything.

    Thanks for reading thanks for caring please dig deep.

    I'd have loved to have done the trip by Surf but couldn't afford the running costs fuel bill alone would be huge plus ferry etc it just wouldn't have been viable maybe next year someone will come up with

    The Great Surf Challenge of 2007

    Could be how many Surfs can you get in Blackpool for a weekend something to work on maybe.
    I have just been informed that the Just giving account won't open and tried it, ( it won't open) so I have tried under search a friend put in John Bryden and it opened. Will get onto the Web page people on monday to try and fix it

    Cheers John
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

