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The rumours are NOT true !!!!!!!!!!!
Trev, do you think a Surf will run on Whale fat?
Whale-oil varies in color from a bright honey yellow to a dark brown, according to the condition of the blubber from which it has been extracted. At best it has a rank fishy odour, and the darker the color the more disagreeable the smell. With lowering of the temperature, stearin, accompanied with a small proportion of spermaceti, separates from the oil, and a little under the freezing point nearly the whole of these constituents may be crystallized out. When separated and pressed, this deposit is known as whale tallow, and the oil from which it is removed is distinguished as pressed whale-oil; this, owing to its limpidity, is sometimes passed as sperm-oil.
The first principal use of whale oil was as an illuminant in lamps and as candle wax. Whale-oil later came to be used in oiling wools for combing and other uses. It was the first of all oils — animal or mineral — to achieve commercial - Keeping you on and off the road...