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automatic v manual

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  • automatic v manual

    I've noticed that the vast majority of surfs are auto gear boxes as opposed to manual gear boxes .if you had a choice of a new shape 1996 with low miles manual against an auto ,which would be the better purchase and why?

  • #2
    My 93 surf is automatic. Offroad its brilliant cause you don't have to worry about having to change between 1st and 2nd gear all the time. Onroad I'd prefer manual especially as I have a caravan and I use the gears to their best abilities.

    I'd choose manual.

    I'd cry if I scratched it!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by kabluckyj@tiscali.co.uk
      I've noticed that the vast majority of surfs are auto gear boxes as opposed to manual gear boxes .if you had a choice of a new shape 1996 with low miles manual against an auto ,which would be the better purchase and why?
      I changed from an auto to a manual because I found the manual a bit more responsive when towing (which I do a lot). Saved a bit of fuel as well. But I guess it's just down to what you feel best with.



      • #4
        Its really all down to personal preferences. For years I would never have have dreamt of buying an auto, I had this weird idea that it was for wrinklies and that it you werent shaking that stick all the time you werent a proper driver. Now I have two autos, cant really see myself going manual again. I occasionally drive a manual, and every time just fail to see the point of them.

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        • #5
          i love my auto but I would like to try a manual surf to see what they are like towing as I love manuals too. mind you towing is great in with an auto and so is traffic its just less hassle - id say only 20% of my driving the Surf I would prefer a manual because of the type of car.
          Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


          • #6
            Off-road, I prefer an automatic. The engine braking is nearly as good as a manual but the power take-up at the wheels is much smoother, which is important. They also hold themselves easier against the engine on hills.

            On road? I bought the auto cos my other car's manual.

            I guess the manual will be more economical, but how much mileage do you intend to do?
            Do you do a lot of town driving?
            Do you know how to use an auto-box properly? (i.e. when to use the hold positions)


            • #7
              For this sort of vehicle (i.e. one that is not that fast or sporty) I would choose an auto - good on and off road. Would not say necessarily better than a manual as there are advantages/disadvantages to both.

              I would never get a pure auto for a more sporty car or whatever, but my other car is a tiptronic auto and I love it - best of both worlds and I don't think I would ever go back to a manual now.
              No longer a Surf owner.


              • #8
                Originally posted by NFC
                Off-road, I prefer an automatic. The engine braking is nearly as good as a manual but the power take-up at the wheels is much smoother, which is important. They also hold themselves easier against the engine on hills.

                On road? I bought the auto cos my other car's manual.

                I guess the manual will be more economical, but how much mileage do you intend to do?
                Do you do a lot of town driving?
                Do you know how to use an auto-box properly? (i.e. when to use the hold positions)

                mileage wise i do approx 12000/14000 a year town and motorway driving with my job (plasterer).

                The reason i reason i want the car is a combination of work and pulling a caravan so the most economical and easy er driven car would be the preferred option


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bogus
                  Its really all down to personal preferences. For years I would never have have dreamt of buying an auto, I had this weird idea that it was for wrinklies and that it you werent shaking that stick all the time you werent a proper driver. Now I have two autos, cant really see myself going manual again. I occasionally drive a manual, and every time just fail to see the point of them.

                  My view is very similar to the above. Always driven manual vehicles (from small hatchbacks to big vans and trucks). I drove a couple of other auto vehicles (VWs, Mazdas) and didn't really like them, but I'm totally in love with my auto Surf!

                  I'm more of a cruiser by nature. I don't drive fast, or tow anything, so I really don't need a manual. The autobox is great in traffic (no clutch foot-aches, no dipping between 1st and 2nd, just relax the brake and you'll nudge forward.)

                  Like Bogus, I don't think I'd ever go back to driving a manual again. I drive a company car at work which is a manual (and a Ford, which does it no favours) and after driving for about 20 minutes I start to think 'I miss my auto!'
                  /_/ _ | 0\__
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                  • #10
                    Anyone want to swap an auto for a manual?(3rd gen)
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