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Sick Little Surfer.

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  • Sick Little Surfer.

    My 5 Year old Son who went to Haslingdon Quarry with me on Sunday, ended up in Hospital on Monday, Turns out He has got a Kidney problem!
    He has just come out of Hopital today and we have to take him to the Doctors for monotoring every day until further notice.
    And did he complain, not a word, He has been an
    I was going to put a photo of him standing next to the Surfs, but my attachments thingie still won't work!
    I like Orientals

  • #2
    Wishin the brave lad a speedy recovery!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bobby Doc
      My 5 Year old Son who went to Haslingdon Quarry with me on Sunday, ended up in Hospital on Monday, Turns out He has got a Kidney problem!
      He has just come out of Hopital today and we have to take him to the Doctors for monotoring every day until further notice.
      And did he complain, not a word, He has been an
      I was going to put a photo of him standing next to the Surfs, but my attachments thingie still won't work!
      Hope everythings ok, and he makes a full recovery...
      It just does, OK?


      • #4
        Speedy recovery to the little lad. He'll be drinking lots of juice then? Kids love juice and ribena.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bobby Doc
          I was going to put a photo of him standing next to the Surfs, but my attachments thingie still won't work!
          If you email me the picture I'll host it and link it back to the forum for ya. It'll save forum bandwidth and show the image at proper size too.
          /_/ _ | 0\__
          \,...__,..._ /


          • #6
            all the best to the little nipper mate.
            TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



            • #7

              On behalf of Bobby Doc
              /_/ _ | 0\__
              \,...__,..._ /


              • #8
                Originally posted by ecosurf

                On behalf of Bobby Doc
                All the best to the mini surfer.......


                • #9
                  Fingers crossed for the nipper. I see he has developed the Surf grin already

                  I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                  • #10
                    Best wishes.

                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      Form all of us on the Sunday off-roading we all hope he gets well and has a happier life than daddy at surfin!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ecosurf

                        On behalf of Bobby Doc
                        sorry to hear about your son bobby doc I hope he will be feeling better soon.

                        Thats a nice pic to shame (Hilux) bob is having a pee in it lol


                        • #13
                          hey take care of the next generation Surfer mate.
                          he deffo tougher than me i off work with my second virus in a row
                          and i moan
                          Enjoying Life after Cancer


                          • #14
                            Thank you everyone for your support.
                            Jordan was made up to see himself on the forum.

                            After tests, the Doctors said, he has got a rare disorder Glomerulonephritis, this is when the filtering system in the kidneys become inflamed, resuling in his kidneys being unable to do their usual function of removeing waste products and excess water from the body resuling in high build up of protien and blood leaking into the urine and this, can and has caused his face, hands, feet and stomach to swell up.

                            The good news is that 90% of incidents make a full recovery, 5% need minor treatment and montoring, 4% have severe kidney dissorders and need medication for life and 1% need daily dialysis.

                            Fingers crossed he will be within the 90% bracket.

                            Thank you all once again...
                            All the best to everyone.
                            I like Orientals


                            • #15
                              best wishes for the little un, hope he gets well soon.
                              HEREFORD IS IN ENGLAND.

