Leaving work yesterday, nip to the filling station and throw about 15 litres into an empty tank to do me till I get home and get some veggie, off I go happily listing to my sounds.
About 3 or 4 miles down the road the surf starts to cough, than begins to stutter. Oh - oh, for some reason I realised instantly what I must have had done (never done it before - honest) and pulled in, knock her off and have a smell at the filler, yep petrol D'oh.
Had to phone for help, which took 2.5 hours to arrive. Put in 5 litres of veg oil and 25 of diesel. Removed and emptied the fuel filter, pumped the primer with no filter attached until the new mix came thru, refitted and primed the filter.
Then for the moment of truth, would she start easily? yep, on the first turn of the key! A bit clattery and spluttery whilst idling for the next 10 minutes or so with loads of smoke, then she came clear.
Straight to the next filling station and filled her to the gills.
Hopefully I've not done any damage to the fuel pump, but all seems well and shes driving fine, no sign of any leaks. Will have gotten a free de-coke out of it too (although not a method I'd reuse
) judging by the amount and smell of the smoke on the initial few minutes idling.
Ah well, must remember, always use the black pump, the black pump, the black pump, the black pump ....
About 3 or 4 miles down the road the surf starts to cough, than begins to stutter. Oh - oh, for some reason I realised instantly what I must have had done (never done it before - honest) and pulled in, knock her off and have a smell at the filler, yep petrol D'oh.
Had to phone for help, which took 2.5 hours to arrive. Put in 5 litres of veg oil and 25 of diesel. Removed and emptied the fuel filter, pumped the primer with no filter attached until the new mix came thru, refitted and primed the filter.
Then for the moment of truth, would she start easily? yep, on the first turn of the key! A bit clattery and spluttery whilst idling for the next 10 minutes or so with loads of smoke, then she came clear.
Straight to the next filling station and filled her to the gills.
Hopefully I've not done any damage to the fuel pump, but all seems well and shes driving fine, no sign of any leaks. Will have gotten a free de-coke out of it too (although not a method I'd reuse

Ah well, must remember, always use the black pump, the black pump, the black pump, the black pump ....
