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pedestrian hurting vehicles....

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  • pedestrian hurting vehicles....

    This is an article from may last year. Toyotas aren't mentioned, but suzuki vitaras are and audi tt etc. how come these cars are never slated when the tree huggers are on their 'organic' soap boxes?


  • #2
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
    This is an article from may last year. Toyotas aren't mentioned, but suzuki vitaras are and audi tt etc. how come these cars are never slated when the tree huggers are on their 'organic' soap boxes?

    I wouldn't of thought an Audi TT.??

    Its quite a slick design pattern.!!!


    • #3
      Pedestrians probably get knocked over the bonnet and get their heads jammed in the rollbars!


      • #4
        You know what annoys me about all this 'pedestrian hurting' nonsense is, how many people actually drive ANY vehicle in such a manner as to cause injury or death to a pedestrian ?
        ANY vehicle will kill a person if you drive it into them at speed, the problem as I see it is in two parts, firstly that pedestrians are spectacularly good at stepping into the path of an oncoming vehicle at a moments notice and then berating the driver as incompetant, I know because this has happened to me.
        Secondly, there are some drivers who feel they have some god given right to drive like complete morons in the most inappropriate places. My local town is turned into a racing circuit after dark and you take your life into your hands walking about the square.

        On a personal note, I live in an extremely rural area and I do not drive my Smurf particularly fast and as such I often get tailgated by 'hot hatches' driven by backward facing baseball cap wearing idiots. Here is my cure..... make your vehicle verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry wide then stop so they cant possibly pass you, step from the vehicle and ask them what makes them so damn important that they have to drive so close !
        Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


        • #5
          Here here....

          Perfect justification for a Hummer H1 4 door Wagon... 7'3" wide excluding mirrors... although I don't think it'll SVA anymore...

          Only cure to assist in saving these wayward pedestrians... is to drive at 15mph around all built up areas... sort of like they restrict in the States round schools... although I think that is 5 mph...

          I don't think I would intentionally want to run over a pedestrian, let alone seriously injure them. Even an anti 4x4 loon...

          Its all down to driving appropriately to the environment... now it sounds like a 'tread lightly' slogan...


          • #6
            Perhaps we should send details of that report to the anti 4x4 brigade and ask them which cars they drive!!! Probably Audi's, Astra's & BMW's. How to divert attention away from your dangerous little car....pick on someone elses rather larger one.

            Don't see them campaigning to stop Ford Transits or Renault Traffic vans from using the roads, despite the fact that there are masses more of them, you can't see through them at all, they're way taller than our 4x4's and they're usually driven by morons.
            Mike G


            • #7
              I would like to see some figures, for example
              MPG for london buses, people carriers etc etc, then some stats on vehicle lengths, heights and weights.
              Lets have a true debate where vehicles are properly compared.
              Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


              • #8
                This is brilliant! This means that, by definition, our Surfs are no more dangerous than an Audi TT, Suzi Vitara or a Skoda Supurb.

                You can't get a less than zero for pedestrian safety (theoretically a negative score would mean pedestrian injuries would result even without an impact!), combined with the taller standing of a Surf (better viability, less chance of impact) and the lower acceleration/top speed, you could even say we're amongst the lower percentages.

                I wonder if people cruising around in Seat Alteas don't have to pay attention to pedestrians? After all, they'll probably survive.

                Be a good idea to try and not run people down in any vehicle I'd have thought.
                /_/ _ | 0\__
                \,...__,..._ /


                • #9
                  It's all a load of rubbish. No car is friendly to a person who steps out in front of it at 40MPH.

                  Why should I suffer a smashed front end, because someone isn't looking at what they are doing?

                  One of our drivers had a guy who commited suicide by throwing himself into the trucks path. How can you stop that?

                  What about trains? They have people jumping at them every day of the week. I dont hear an outcry to make trains padestrian friendly!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by M35A2
                    What about trains? They have people jumping at them every day of the week. I dont hear an outcry to make trains padestrian friendly!!

                    Have you seen the price of train fares?

                    They're certainly not passenger friendly.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                      Have you seen the price of train fares?

                      They're certainly not passenger friendly.

                      Tell me about it. For the price of a return train ticket to somewhere like Glasgow, you could fly there cheaper. The goverment wants every one out of their vehicles and onto public transport. And for what? To stand up for 2hrs on a train, that's late, and will cost you more than going door to door. Mmmm....... Let me think about how I'm going to get somewhere??!!


                      • #12
                        The Government want people onto public transport so the roads are clear for their fleet of limos.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          The Government want people onto public transport so the roads are clear for their fleet of limos.

                          Any one emailed this to Jeremy yet?
                          Should have bought a 3ltr


                          • #14
                            TVR Tuscan's aren't very pedestrian friendly... they only have the option of forward vision!... and that's like looking out a letter box!

                            i put it back on the shelf!... FAST... but didn't like to drive it!

                            (and i didn't really have £45 grand spare!)
                            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

