hia guys and dolls just wondered if surf has a water deapth sensor as the other day i went threw a ford how hards that when to my shock the water seemed to be rather deep and i got a loud beep same as glow plugs have heated and several lights appeard on the dash bored didnt have time to cheak what lights were actually on as i was panaking rather alot to get threw the ford
long live surfs
p.s just another quick question has anybody fitted an automatic transmition cooler and then used the radiator to put vegetable oil/diesel were the automatic transmition ones ran as i thought this seemed to be rather a good way to warm up said bio fuels

p.s just another quick question has anybody fitted an automatic transmition cooler and then used the radiator to put vegetable oil/diesel were the automatic transmition ones ran as i thought this seemed to be rather a good way to warm up said bio fuels