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The Eagle has landed

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  • The Eagle has landed

    Right, there I am sitting on the sofa, eating some Doritos Extreme Chille heat wave crisps, while watching "Inside the lions den" British Lions DVD tour of New Zealand 2005.

    Whilst I was watching this, I was looking at the Squadron of Starlings outside in the garden scoffing on the chicken carcas I threw out last night. With them was 6 very fat wood pigeon.

    Then, all of a sudden, there was this MASSIVE eagle that came from nowhere, swooped in, grabbed a fat pigeon, and flew off again. All in the blink of an eye, and at lightning speed. WOW, what a sight. None of the birds saw it coming, and it all happened about 10ft from my sofa.

    I have seen this bird before, swooping high up, in circles, then diving down behind the houses. My garden backs onto a big farmers field, and I have seen some Red kites also. But this was a massive bird, a sort of brown colour.

  • #2
    I sell air guns if you are interested.
    Kite Surf


    • #3
      i havnt seen my teradactil for a few days now.


      • #4
        Originally posted by surfstar
        I sell air guns if you are interested.

        What for, the wood pigeons or the Eagle?

        That was an awsome sight. I couldn't shoot a bird like that, what a sight. Infact, the only thing I am trained to shoot, after 8 years in the Army, is other Human Beings. Shoot an Eagle, no I couldn't do that. Shoot Bin Laden, no problem!!


        • #5
          We have those hovering around as well. They're buzzards.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
            We have those hovering around as well. They're buzzards.

            It was very big. The same size as an Eagle Owl I reckon. But it was very fast, and I only saw it a split second. It must have come in at about 80-100MPH. The starlings didn't even see it coming, and there must have been about 40 of them outside, scoffing on the chicken bits.


            • #7
              Yep, Buzzards are big, about a five to six foot wingspan some of them.


              • #8
                quick quick! put out another chicken carcass! AND GET YOUR CAMERA!
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Chillitt
                  quick quick! put out another chicken carcass! AND GET YOUR CAMERA!

                  I will be getting another chicken next week. I will go out and see if I can see it around and take a picture to get one of you twitchers on here to identify it for me.


                  • #10
                    Just thorw out some bread and cabbage to encourage the pigeons . the more your eagle kills the better


                    • #11
                      Yeah, b****y flyin' rats!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ianwoodzie
                        Just thorw out some bread and cabbage to encourage the pigeons . the more your eagle kills the better

                        Tell you what.

                        I have the same wood pigeons here all the time. I throw bread out, and have a seed feeder up for the other birds. But a couple of those wood pigeon are REALLY fat. Scoffing all that bread has made them very plump. They would make good eating. Bet that Eagle is full this evening!!


                        • #13
                          I'll have to find a recipe for pigeon pie.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by M35A2
                            My garden backs onto a big farmers field.
                            how do you know the farmer owns it?
                            and how big is he?
                            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

