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Crashed Artic

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  • Crashed Artic

    One of our drivers survived the accident that led to the damage you can see here. The damage was caused by the crash, and the fire service didn't do anything to it.

    He was driving along the A34 with a fully loaded trailer and went straight into the back of a stationary artic and trailer that was half on/half off lane one at 50MPH in the pitch black of early morning. Apparently the king pin split the 5th wheel in half, and the trailer went straight into the back of the cab, squashing it into the back of the other guys trailer. It broke the chassis in half, and the driver suffered a fractured skull, about 60 stitches in his face and various other injuries. He is still off sick, and I heard that he said he will never drive again.

    It's a very sobering picture of what can happen to us HGV drivers. It was a miracle he got out alive.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Whilst I hope the guy is alright, this all too familiar with artics....and other motorists as well

    1. Not paying attention
    2. Driving too close to other vehicles knowing they're not going to stop [although some other motorists create these scenarios - but mainly artics right up the backside]

    most fatal accidents I have seen whilst on the road in the past years have had lorries involved some way or another. I know u guys are under pressure but think of the weight.

    I see so many Lorries trying to speed up to close the door as you join the motorway onto the M60 from the M61/A666 only realising that they have to slam their brakes on to avoid piling into the back of the traffic already slowing down or stopped. All for shutting 1 vehicle joining in front of them [and yes the vehicles on the slip road are signalling and half onto the motorway but have to quickly veer back into the slip road]. It happens nearly every day!!!
    Last edited by Gizmo; 31 December 2005, 22:32.


    • #3
      Thats true, It's usually the poor un-suspecting joe public in a car that gets a HGV rammed up their arse on the hard shoulder. All because a driver lost concentration. In 2005 I can recall at least 5 people killed near where I live by HGV's running into them because they drifted onto the hard shoulder.


      • #4
        Im not hgv driver but dont pick on em....in the last year driving a small van around ive seen more idiotic car drivers around, especially those executive ppl who seem to think you ought to pull over from the outside lane at near 90!!!!
        3.0 TD SSR-X LTD 1994 Black, sold and passed MOT


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gizmo
          Whilst I hope the guy is alright, this all too familiar with artics....and other motorists as well

          1. Not paying attention
          2. Driving too close to other vehicles knowing they're not going to stop [although some other motorists create these scenarios - but mainly artics right up the backside]

          most fatal accidents I have seen whilst on the road in the past years have had lorries involved some way or another. I know u guys are under pressure but think of the weight.

          I see so many Lorries trying to speed up to close the door as you join the motorway onto the M60 from the M61/A666 only realising that they have to slam their brakes on to avoid piling into the back of the traffic already slowing down or stopped. All for shutting 1 vehicle joining in front of them [and yes the vehicles on the slip road are signalling and half onto the motorway but have to quickly veer back into the slip road]. It happens nearly every day!!!
          Read your highway code......Just because you are on a sliproad to a motorway that broken white line does not mean that you have the right of way it means BE PREPAIRD TO GIVE WAY if there is no acces to the main road.Now as a HGV driver if its clear to move over 99.9% of us will,if its not we wont (because it is dangerous) so its YOUR responsability to give way, not try and push into a space that is not there.I have been pointing trucks for over 20 years and to be honest I an fed up with the MUST BEAT THE TRUCK attitude of other road users,and the way that a lot of car drivers always assume its the trucks fault...Well it aint so..I will admit that as a driver I am NOT perfect and do make mistakes,but look at your own driving before you blame it on others..
          As you may be able to tell I am having a RANT but this type of attitude realy P***es my off........
          If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


          • #6
            All due respect - truck drivers have a job to do like everyone else. I find if you give them a bit of respect (appreciate they're a lot bigger than you, need space to maneuver, and aren't as fast as a Porsche) then we'd all get on fine. My grandad drove car transporters for almost 50 years after driving armoured vehicles in the war, which gives you a better undertsanding of HGV drives.

            A good example of a good HGV driver happened to me recently. I was driving in the left lane of a dual carriageway, the traffic was thick but moving at a steady 50-60mph. I had an artic quite close behind me. There was a prick in a Kia Musso (pretending it was a 4x4 I think) drifiting from the right lane right on top of me. The driver was leaning over fishing something from the glove box. I tooted, but he kept coming, I checked my mirror, and the trucker had backed off, as he'd seen what was happening. Good job he did, as the next time I tooted, the Kia noticed me, turned hard right, hit the kurb on the central reservation, and bounced right in front of me,causing everyone to brake ****** hard, includuing the HGV. Luckily, no one was impacted, and we all shook our heads at the Kia driver, now quivering, as he pulled over to the layby.

            Truck drivers don't wanna crash any more than the rest of us.
            /_/ _ | 0\__
            \,...__,..._ /


            • #7
              And heres the neutral view

              Theres loads of cars on the road. Theres loads of trucks on the road. Theres loads of selfish cretinous plonkers driving cars, but theres plenty of sensible folk too. Theres loads of selfish cretinous plonkers driving trucks, and theres plenty of sensible ones as well same applies to buses, ambulance, police vehicles, fire engines etc.
              Most truck drivers are also car drivers and if they are selfish plonkers in their cars, ( which many will be) then they will also be selfish plonkers in their trucks. I would guess that the chap who wrote the post that upset the truckers was probably just pointing out that selfish plonkerism in an artic brings more risk to the table than selfish plonkerism in a car, due to weights/inertia/kinetic energy involved, I dont think he meant to malign or upset any poor sensitive truck driver who might still be a bit raw from watching Lassie

              Now maybe its an age thing but Im getting the impression that we are slowly heading for the point where selfish plonkers ( in all kinds of vehicles )outnumber the courteous folks, if this is not already the case

              Сви можемо


              • #8
                I agree, Bogus. Certainly not all truckers are good drivers. I've come acorss a few in my time. I was just trying to stand up for those who are decent drivers. As with any group (such as 4x4 owners, etc), people often get tarred with the same brush.

                No pitty for idiots driving Kia Mussos though...
                /_/ _ | 0\__
                \,...__,..._ /


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sumo
                  Read your highway code......Just because you are on a sliproad to a motorway that broken white line does not mean that you have the right of way it means BE PREPAIRD TO GIVE WAY if there is no acces to the main road.Now as a HGV driver if its clear to move over 99.9% of us will,if its not we wont (because it is dangerous) so its YOUR responsability to give way, not try and push into a space that is not there.I have been pointing trucks for over 20 years and to be honest I an fed up with the MUST BEAT THE TRUCK attitude of other road users,and the way that a lot of car drivers always assume its the trucks fault...Well it aint so..I will admit that as a driver I am NOT perfect and do make mistakes,but look at your own driving before you blame it on others..
                  As you may be able to tell I am having a RANT but this type of attitude realy P***es my off........

                  If you read my statement, the motorist was already half-way into the lane when I saw the HGVs try to speed up to cut them off!......and that is why I also stated that some other motorists are to blame [I did not blame all on HGV drivers] but there are two many motorists these days [both sides] who think it is their god given right to own the road, HOW ABOUT A LITTLE COURTESY from all Sides

                  I am no saint and see it all too often near where I live of Trucks and other vehicles trying to force their way across 3 lanes to get in the outside lane with the lorries obviously trying to use more clout [ie their size and weight]

                  I too am annoyed with those that think the dotted white lines mean they have the right to move on to the motorway....I have to join onto to major roads am always aware of having to stop.
                  Last edited by Gizmo; 1 January 2006, 17:16.


                  • #10
                    there are two catogary of drivers that **** me off

                    POLICE VEHICLES

                    both think they own the road and can drive as they want with out regard to them around.
                    i'm controlling myself from a full on rant as i have had several very near misses with both.
                    john(semi controlled)
                    Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                    • #11
                      I too think there is no give and take on the roads but every time i look in the mirrors i see BMTroubleu doing the I`ve got to be there first trick and im waiting for the day when the trailor rolls over the bonnet of one...

                      I also love the clowns who do not get their foot down on the slip road and dawdle along thinking the heavy`s are going to pull up or over if we can pull over most of us do but these numpties dont realise that if the need arises you run down the shoulder to join the carrigeway and not stop at the end of the slip road and dont forget the 50mph middle lane owners club who think lane 2 is the safest lane for them wrong again thats what the hard shoulder can do for them.....Sorry Rant over
                      Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                      • #12
                        was it anyone i know?? (from Thatcham?)

                        we had one at SCA, the driver stopped on the hard shoulder to get a mint!.. car transporter parked inside his trailer!!... pizza hut boxes all over the motorway and the first DAF cabriolet!

                        (drivers were ok though)
                        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gizmo
                          If you read my statement, the motorist was already half-way into the lane when I saw the HGVs try to speed up to cut them off!......and that is why I also stated that some other motorists are to blame [I did not blame all on HGV drivers] but there are two many motorists these days [both sides] who think it is their god given right to own the road, HOW ABOUT A LITTLE COURTESY from all Sides

                          I am no saint and see it all too often near where I live of Trucks and other vehicles trying to force their way across 3 lanes to get in the outside lane with the lorries obviously trying to use more clout [ie their size and weight]

                          I too am annoyed with those that think the dotted white lines mean they have the right to move on to the motorway....I have to join onto to major roads am always aware of having to stop.
                          what a lot do is either not look until they get right to the end of the slip road and then instead of speeding up a bit (cos usually i slow down to let them in), they'll slam on brakes and be going to fast to stop, they're in lane 1 at 10mph!
                          either that, or there's a gap big enough in front for 2 cars that 5 want to fit in, even if there's a mile free behind... then they're all jostling to get into lane 3!

                          you wouldn't believe how often it happens... it's literally every junction!

                          same with leaving the motorway... everyone will overtake at 70mph, then pull in front and slow to 40 to get off the slip road!

                          and they'll always call you a ****er!
                          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mark g8awo
                            I too think there is no give and take on the roads but every time i look in the mirrors i see BMTroubleu doing the I`ve got to be there first trick and im waiting for the day when the trailor rolls over the bonnet of one...

                            I also love the clowns who do not get their foot down on the slip road and dawdle along thinking the heavy`s are going to pull up or over if we can pull over most of us do but these numpties dont realise that if the need arises you run down the shoulder to join the carrigeway and not stop at the end of the slip road and dont forget the 50mph middle lane owners club who think lane 2 is the safest lane for them wrong again thats what the hard shoulder can do for them.....Sorry Rant over

                            I have to say, the middle lane is the safest place for me. On a recent trip to Swindon, my truck falling in and out of the 'grooves' that you b****y truckers made in the inside lane! Maybe I should get some wheel spacers fitted then I could just let go of the steering wheel and read a book.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                              I have to say, the middle lane is the safest place for me. On a recent trip to Swindon, my truck falling in and out of the 'grooves' that you b****y truckers made in the inside lane! Maybe I should get some wheel spacers fitted then I could just let go of the steering wheel and read a book.
                              shhh!!... thats a secret...

                              cruise control on... get in grooves... eat lunch!
                              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

