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  • #16
    Originally posted by Draig
    a big UP to Koi and co - an excellent site - and I've made some new friends - and thats always worth summat.

    hope you and everyone has an excellent Christmas and a better New Year that brings you everything you wish for.
    I second that one

    Up Koi and the lads
    I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


    • #17
      What can I add to what had been said above?? I'd just like to say a big thanks. What a great bunch of people I've gotten to know via this site. And, the Irish surfers I've meet through here.
      We are a small group, but steadily growing in numbers, and purely due to the site, our knowledge and experiance is growing too.

      Many thanks to all involved for wasting so much of my time

      Keep up the good work all, and the best in holiday wishes to all.
      May 2004 be all you hope for..............


      • #18
        Originally posted by Cmar
        What can I add to what had been said above?? I'd just like to say a big thanks. What a great bunch of people I've gotten to know via this site. And, the Irish surfers I've meet through here.
        We are a small group, but steadily growing in numbers, and purely due to the site, our knowledge and experiance is growing too.

        Many thanks to all involved for wasting so much of my time

        Keep up the good work all, and the best in holiday wishes to all.
        May 2004 be all you hope for..............
        only May 2004 wot about the rest of the year then have a GOOD ONE EVERYONE
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #19
          Just to add my voice to echo the many sentiments expressed above.
          The forum has (and will continue to) gone from strength to strength under its new management. A great job, well done.

          Best wishes fro the Christmas season, with fortune for the new year to all the management team, and indeed to all the extended community here at yotasurf.
          Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


          • #20
            Wot can I say that has not been said already????

            BRILLIANT SITE


            THANKS GUYS


            Lets just hope we get some snow to play in
            I'm a custard donut monster


            • #21

              Well its all been said !!! But to repeat,GR8 work, GR8 site, GR8 people.

              Wishing EVERYONE all the best for Christmas and 2004.

              If all else fails......................... .............................. ......................... GET COMPLETELY P****D
              Last edited by Koi; 9 December 2003, 01:49.
              Dave ssrx 3.0td Ltd auto Gen2


              • #22
                After 4 years in the surf wilderness I found my place in the world Right here with the other NUTTERS Thanks for ALL YOUR HARD WORK Koi, Andy and that other bloke WHATS HIS NAME ??? (only joking ) Tony.
                Lets hope you all have the stamina to KEEP IT UP AND KEEP US ALL IN LINE.
                See you Sunday.

                Rick,Angie,Gareth & Tom. ( The sumo's)

                And to everyone

                HAPPY XMAS and A GREAT NEWYEAR
                If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.

