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Wanna Be A Full Member

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  • Wanna Be A Full Member

    I wanna be a full member with a sticker and a custom avatar.

    Instructions please? I have had a look around and can't seem to find the info I need.

    I used to have a surf me!

  • #2
    Originally posted by phoebelala
    I wanna be a full member with a sticker and a custom avatar.

    Instructions please? I have had a look around and can't seem to find the info I need.

    Here you go have a look here
    I'm a custard donut monster


    • #3
      Originally posted by phoebelala
      I wanna be a full member with a sticker and a custom avatar.

      Instructions please? I have had a look around and can't seem to find the info I need.

      Buy everyone 2 pints of beer and a sossy sarnie with brown sauce and you are in.................
      Cheaper option is to send Koi a tenner as in the "Subscription" sticky in the General Section.
      sgood here innit?


      • #4
        Originally posted by DaveD
        Buy everyone 2 pints of beer and a sossy sarnie with brown sauce and you are in.................
        Cheaper option is to send Koi a tenner as in the "Subscription" sticky in the General Section.
        sgood here innit?
        Done that and not got my star yet, Unable to email yet (till pc is sorted),
        Posted a thread to koi (no reply as yet) So given up, Thought prehaps it
        was because i only sent a tenner and not more!, Its ok but just feel that you
        guys with stars are thinking look at him getting all the benifeits of this forum
        and too bl00dy tight to part with a tenner! Ian
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Originally posted by ian619
          Done that and not got my star yet, Unable to email yet (till pc is sorted),
          Posted a thread to koi (no reply as yet) So given up, Thought prehaps it
          was because i only sent a tenner and not more!, Its ok but just feel that you
          guys with stars are thinking look at him getting all the benifeits of this forum
          and too bl00dy tight to part with a tenner! Ian

          Give Koi a few days to get over Christmas and stuff, you wouldn't believe the amount of emails and PMs he gets. He gets around to all of them but takes some time to get through everything.


          • #6
            Originally posted by lucky

            Give Koi a few days to get over Christmas and stuff, you wouldn't believe the amount of emails and PMs he gets. He gets around to all of them but takes some time to get through everything.
            Cheers Andy, Thats ok!, As i sent a cheque to the po box thought perhaps it
            got lost or something, Thanks Ian
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss

