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Snow Chaos!

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  • Snow Chaos!

    Went to the national arboritum this morning (near Flimwell), took wifey, 3 dogs and Mum, who doesn't get around too well so had a trailer with her electric scooter thing in it. Got there, light dusting of snow, thought it would look really nice. Gates locked and all closed up, sign say CLOSED OWING TO DANGEROUS WEATHER CONDITIONS. No more that 1/2 of snow max and that was dangerous! I give in I really do. I went to Finland 2 years ago, minibus driver was doing nearly 70mph on roads that sparkled with sheet ice, now that I could have believed was dangerous!
    Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!

  • #2
    Originally posted by TJG
    Went to the national arboritum this morning (near Flimwell), took wifey, 3 dogs and Mum, who doesn't get around too well so had a trailer with her electric scooter thing in it. Got there, light dusting of snow, thought it would look really nice. Gates locked and all closed up, sign say CLOSED OWING TO DANGEROUS WEATHER CONDITIONS. No more that 1/2 of snow max and that was dangerous! I give in I really do. I went to Finland 2 years ago, minibus driver was doing nearly 70mph on roads that sparkled with sheet ice, now that I could have believed was dangerous!
    amazing is it not how this country comes to a stand still with just 1/2" of snow our euro cousins get the proper winters and still carry on
    yours jealously
    Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


    • #3
      Originally posted by TJG
      Went to the national arboritum this morning (near Flimwell), took wifey, 3 dogs and Mum, who doesn't get around too well so had a trailer with her electric scooter thing in it. Got there, light dusting of snow, thought it would look really nice. Gates locked and all closed up, sign say CLOSED OWING TO DANGEROUS WEATHER CONDITIONS. No more that 1/2 of snow max and that was dangerous! I give in I really do. I went to Finland 2 years ago, minibus driver was doing nearly 70mph on roads that sparkled with sheet ice, now that I could have believed was dangerous!
      My wife's aunt lives on the German/Danish border where temperatures of -30c are not uncommon. Every house has triple glazed windows and is heated by super-heated steam pumped from a central facility where they burn all the rubbish to provide the heat.
      Snow tyres are required by law in winter and the unemployed are required to clear the snow from pavements and roads in order to qualify for their benefit.
      There is often in excess of a foot of snow, yet everything carries on as normal!!


      • #4
        wahoooooooo we got snow down here and it wasn't even forcast for this end of the country

