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Starting Problems

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  • Starting Problems


    Im still new to surf ownership and am having problems getting her started in the morning. It turns over for ages and only by some carefull pumping of the accelorator will it start, followed by a VERY large cloud of black smoke!
    When up to temp after 10 mins or so runs fine and will start instantly? is it just the weather or something worse? (had full service a few k ago and have run redex through it last few weeks,I followed bottle instuctions though not the Forum Way!!! maybe thats where I went wrong!)

  • #2
    You probably need new glowplugs as the weather is much colder, they're not getting hot enough.
    Don't worry too much about the black smoke on startup, thats just the 'unburnt' fuel that was pumped in when the engine was turning over.


    • #3

      Is that a diy job or one for a garage? I've changed sparkplugs before is it about the same and are they expensive?

      thanks for your help, many thanks!


      • #4
        Originally posted by davemwaldron

        Is that a diy job or one for a garage? I've changed sparkplugs before is it about the same and are they expensive?

        thanks for your help, many thanks!
        Definately a DIY job if you can change spark plugs, hardest part is removing the air trunking from the top and maybe undoing the screws on the top of the glow plugs. Just make sure that when you take these off then remove the bus bar you make sure you remember how it is fitted - take photos if neccessary otherwise you can get it wrong and short out the feed blowing the glow plug fuse (80 Amp) which is a PITA to change.


        • #5
          This is deffo glow plugs, I had the same problem. If you search for glow plugs on here and look for my threads in November you will find plug type which will allow you to go and buy them for around 4 quid each for NGK.

          Job is easy apart from the air pipes on top of the engine.

          I used to have a surf me!


          • #6
            try milner offroad as they keep all the parts you'll ever want for servicing etc. They are very helpful on the telephone too!

            My surf was like your when I first got it, took about 5 mins to start. only when I decided to do the job myself I realised that the garage HAD put new plugs in but put the busbar back with the insulators the wrong way around and blew out the supply circuit! supprisingly, they still start with no control ciruit!

            Lucky for me, I found it and sorted it out!

            If you wana job done propper, you gotta do it your self

            Good luck

            Any more problems, give someone here a shout

            theirs always good advice flying around here........................** ****!




            • #7

              I have had the same problems starting when cold so I got the glowplugs changed out. Garage (which I have been using for years and trust) reckoned the glow plugs looked shot as there was a lot of unburnt carbon on the plugs. However still having the same problems as before, with a lot of cracking before engine turns over, and a large cloud of smoke to hide in when it does eventually start.

              I have also noticed another couple of things when starting - the glowplug pre-heat light does not go out at all - even if I wait to the alarm comes on (about 8 seconds after turning the key). I can hear the relay 'clunkin' about 3 seconds after I turn the ignition but the light still does not go out.

              The next thing I am going to try is checking the relay's as described in the thread below:


              If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know otherwise i will have to wash my garage door every night to clean of the black reek deposits.



              • #8
                be careful, put a meter across the bus bar to earth and get some one to turn on the ignition. you should get voltage until the relay clicks and then once clicked it will cut off the power supply.

                If that all it does is switch off the pre heat circuit.

                Does it start better when hot?? - if so, they may have blown the glow plug circuit fuse (separate to the relay supply)

                My one was a **** to start until it was warm. would take ages to start ands when it did HUGE plumes of smoke.

                Replace the bus bar the right way around and fitted a new fuse and it's been 100% to this day.

                good luck


