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White Van Man Road Rage Victim

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  • #46
    Originally posted by marky
    For those who remembered this. I never heard from the POLICE again & the Driver was let off.
    happens all the time,even when they do stop and not insured,we pick them,they dont collect,we s$$$$,on the plus side,soooooooo many spares at work lol


    • #47
      Sad to say most prisons are full at the moment, however that would only apply to single occupied cells, with of course include t.v. play station , etc. Not to mention drugs to keep the inmates quiet. However most cells are big enough to take at least two beds, which would double capacity overnight, if not big enough to to take at least four inmates. Of course if we deported all persons who were illegal immigrants who committed offences this would also open up more space for our own home bread offenders. The alternative of community sentence are a total waste of time and in most cases have no positive effect on the future actions of those sentenced to such orders. Alas we must either pay more for the the criminal justice system or dispose 0f those who will never be of any benefit to society. All in all we in the U.K have become so P.C. the lunatics has taken over the asylum the past years I have served 10 years as a police officer and for the last 8 years have been employed by the probation service, and am beginning to believe that it has been a waste of a big chunk of life. Enough said I will go back to my bottle of scotch.



      • #48
        Sorry but I believe that I have just hi-jacked this thread. But I've had a bad day with the little T**ts and at this moment in time cant be arsed to go to work in the morning. Oh dear my glass is empty, better go and top it up, Any one got an idea what an ex copper/ probation worker can do to earn an honest living, cos I need a change before I go totally nuts.



        • #49
          Originally posted by marky
          i first said i put my hands out like you do & said "what have i done"
          but was told by a PC m8 that could be seen as enticing him to ram you
          wot a load of *&^%^^&&***ish
          Hi Marky that's a stupid response. If you put up a big banner saying RAM ME PLEASE That would still not excuse the van from ramming you, b$$$$y hell what planet are some folk on.

          Did the van have a tow bar?

          I have dealt with incidents were vans stolen around 4am were recovered before 5am minus all interior, engine and running gear in a field by the road side!

          Those responsible have been towing caravans with white transit vans.
          When apprehended and charged they never get placed before the next avaliable court so never turn up to face trial. The case drags on for years until they get stopped and by that time the witnesses have forgotten what they look like.

          The most worrying thing is that they tend to have a screw driver stabbed into the dashboard. and when stopped the normal response is to try and shove said screw driver into the lung of the first person to approach them.

          The stock answer to the police officer is generally, "to be sure Sir it's to fix me dodgy light sir."

          I am sure the driver was really an innocent poor soul who had been having a bad day and just innocently wavered into you by complete accident.

          But there is the tiny possibility he was a phsyco who had a screwdriver in the door pocket of dash. Who didn't want to get the police involved.

          You were right to be wary mate. I have known this kind of thing to go tits up and the innocent driver becoming the prey when this kind of thing goes wrong you never want to stop in these circumstances.

          Cheers JB
          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


          • #50
            saw on the manchester paper this week a guy pulled for the 3rd time for drunk driving, whilst banned, no licence and no insureanc. he got a suspended sentence....... joke

            no need for prisons to be full as long as there are big empty metal containers sat all over the docks inthe uk. two prisioners per container, a hlf an hour out per day for a walk and a $$$$...no poll tables, guitar lessons, drug dealing oppertunities, criminal networking oppertunities or visits,

            what really anoys me is that everyone in the whole country is fed up with crime yet why hasnt that translated into action by govt?


            • #51
              Originally posted by fergus

              what really anoys me is that everyone in the whole country is fed up with crime yet why hasnt that translated into action by govt?

              They are too busy with paperwork and speed cameras to do anything else

              When i was a kid there was the village copper who looked after the comunity and if we were out of order gave us a thick ear , now things are too politically correct ........


              • #52
                Originally posted by marky
                For those who remembered this. I never heard from the POLICE again & the Driver was let off.

                Completely diabolical
                Bring me the head of a treehugger


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Woodzie
                  They are too busy with paperwork and speed cameras to do anything else

                  When i was a kid there was the village copper who looked after the comunity and if we were out of order gave us a thick ear , now things are too politically correct ........

                  Bring back the good old days.
                  Last edited by Highlander1; 13 December 2007, 08:45.
                  www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

