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Anti 4x4

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  • #16
    excellent- if nigel dont mind then the address would be cool... then again you dont want loads of antis coming on here to mess things up and be a nuisance.
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


    • #17
      well, well, well

      This is the first time I've even given these pillocks the time of day to even read any of their rantings.

      Last time I looked we wee living in a democracy and freedom of choice is a basic underpinning of that concept.

      I find it laughable that they have to resort to "light hearted campaigns" & jokey "fake parking tickets" to make their point.

      I think I speak for most rational people (although I may not be always rational myself) when I say that if there were tangible evidence to suport their ravings (and not 10 year old reports from the treehugger brigade in the US) I would be as concerned as the next man in putting myself (safety) my family's (safety & environment) and the planets (I won't b here forever so - who cares )

      Perhaps the movers & shakers of this "movement" (funny as it's called the same thing as going for a sh1t) were frightened by a land rover at an early age.

      I only thanks god that no one with any amount of influence (that includes you, Ken Livingstone) is listening to these people.

      I would love to see a heavyweight politican go to the people with their messages.

      Sorry to go on but wanted to get this off my chest before driving home (past a school & organic produce farm)

      Merry Xmas to all - including the tree huggers (just had another thought, I've got a real xmas tree - have i commited tree murder)


      I'm not overweight, I'm undertall!


      • #18

        /_/ _ | 0\__
        \,...__,..._ /


        • #19
          they are good i prefer the 2nd one better


          • #20
            I've had this argument with a few tw*ts who've questioned why I need my SURF living in the city. My previous motor was a FORD KA, and I felt safer riding downhill on my mountain bike blindfolded then in that thing.

            I usually plug the critics mouths when I tell them it's to protect my 21 month old daughter who was born four months premature, and we needed the room to transport the oxygen and numerous other medical equipment.

            I've alos told them I'd of bought a ruddy Sherman tank to transport the family about safely, if I could fit the s0d down my road. :-)


            • #21
              Originally posted by Koi

              my 4x4
              my choice
              kiss my arse
              yer tell um nigel
              lets invite them to one of our weekends we can barbie them
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #22
                Definitely the second one. Put me down for one in XL. Let us know how much when you get an idea of price.

                Also noticed we should be excluded from their ranting as I didn't see Surf or 4Runner on their list. Anyway, it's a 2WD not 4WD on tarmac (watch our though if you own a 3rd Gen)
                Last edited by Tallyman; 22 December 2005, 16:29.
                Mike G


                • #23
                  I like the second one too. It tends to shut a lot of them up when you tell them about the vegoil situation.

                  BIG MEAN GREEN MACHINE.
                  You aint seen me, right


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Koi

                    my 4x4
                    my choice
                    kiss my arse
                    Says it all........................... .....


                    • #25
                      !!! Sniff My Diff !!!
                      !!! I'M THE ONE YOUR MOTHER WARNED YOU ABOUT !!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Deviant 1
                        !!! Sniff My Diff !!!
                        great one!
                        Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                        • #27
                          Personally, I like the 1st front as a front...

                          and the 2nd front as a rear...

                          Nicely done though...

                          Any more suggestions...?

                          As an alternative rear - byline

                          My 4x4
                          My Choice

                          Kiss My Arse
                          Last edited by AndyLala; 22 December 2005, 18:23.


                          • #28
                            Why do these people try and change someone elses way of life? Are their lives that dull, they have to meddle with other peoples way of life?

                            They need to get a life and wake up to the facts. I don't see how the emissions from a Surf or other 4X4 are any higher than that of a car apart from the fact a 4X4 burns more juce and usually has a bigger engine.

                            Anyway, all vehicles now have to be Euro emission compliant. They put out less pollution than some tree huggers 30 year old VW beetle.

                            They should be concentrating their energies on China, India and all the other countries that put out vast amounts of pollution.

                            These are the same people (like ramblers) that wanted the "Right to roam" act brought in. Now they damage farmers crops, their dogs attack sheep and leave a nice turd for someone else to step in.

                            I used to belong to East Northants Land Rover Owners Club. We had volunteers that went out every weekend repairing green lanes and keeping the rights of way access open, not just for 4X4 users, but for everyone. How many times have you seen Ramblers out resurfacing foot paths that have been badly eroded by all their liberal, left wing walking boots??


                            • #29
                              ya gotta laff, bless them. the worrying thing is is so many people are ill-informed and uneducated that an epidemic of keying or vandalism could occur. Are they aware that them touching your car is actually an offence
                              the law states

                              " If while a motor vehicle is on the road or other public place, a person gets on to the vehicle or tampers with any part of the vehicle or its equipment without lawful authority or reasonable cause, he shall be guilty of an offence." art 36 road traffic NI order 1995 (im sure UK have a similar order).

                              So if these tubes are sending out false parking tickets again an offence, they are aiding and abetting crime.
                              Fuzzy wuzzy wuz a woman??


                              • #30
                                the ten reasons for hating 4x4's were hilarious!

                                1. You're not a farmer

                                Or a tree surgeon, country vet, wind turbine repairer, dry stone wall engineer or mountain rescue specialist. Unless you are (or in a handful of other occupations) there's really no need for you to get a big 4x4, particularly if you live in an urban area. Four wheel drive gives you better traction in snow or deep mud, and that's about it. It does not make your car safer, more manoeuvrable, or enable you to stop any quicker.

                                2. Your family fits into a saloon car or people carrier

                                Most families and their luggage can in fact fit comfortably into a small hatchback. Even if you have lots of kids (and a big dog), an estate car or MPV often has more space than a 4x4 and can fulfil all your daily needs. What did your dad drive you around in when you were small?

                                3. You will breathe cleaner air

                                Pollution studies have demonstrated that, in slow traffic, the dirtiest air isn't being breathed by the cyclists in the gutter or the people waiting for the bus on the pavement, but by those inside the cars in the middle of the road. If you find this implausible, check where your car's air intake is, and compare it with the exhaust pipe of the 4x4 in front of you.

                                4. You will save money

                                Data at www.vcacarfueldata.org.uk show that it costs around £100 more per month in petrol costs alone to run a 4-litre Range Rover compared with a 2-litre estate car. Currently road tax stops increasing at just 185 g/km of carbon dioxide, so drivers of smaller cars are effectively subsidising the 4x4 drivers. Two-thirds of people support higher taxes for 4x4s and British insurance companies admit that 4x4 drivers are not yet charged premiums that reflect the cost of their claims, so the bottom line could get even worse.

                                5. You won't have to lie to your grandchildren

                                Our descendants will be left to deal with the effects of climate change caused by our profligate use of fossil fuels. Drivers of 4x4s should start editing their photo albums now.

                                6. You will be less likely to kill a pedestrian

                                Most accidents involving pedestrians are caused when they stray onto the road without warning, so your superior driving skills may not help to avoid an accident. However, a better designed car could make all the difference to their survival chances. The greater height and weight of 4x4s, as well as their flat fronts and stiff bonnets, means they are bottom of the class in Euro-NCAP crash tests for pedestrian safety.

                                7. You might see a small child early enough to avoid backing over them

                                Big, tall 4x4s have far bigger rear blind spots than normal cars, making it impossible to see a child for more than 15 feet behind them, and much further for short drivers. Check out the facts about the increased dangers to pedestrians from taller cars at www.kidsandcars.org.

                                8. You will be less likely to injure people in other cars

                                The high bumpers on 4x4s can override safety features on other cars, such as side impact bars and crumple zones, and the extra weight of big 4x4s is a hazard in itself. The spare wheel on the back of many 4x4s often takes the place of a rear bumper and increases damage to other cars and the 4x4 itself in a 'shunt' incident.

                                9. You will have a better time driving

                                Big 4x4s are notoriously difficult to park due to their poor visibility close to the car. When cornering, the high centre of gravity of a 4x4 reduces the responsivenesss and takes all the fun out of it. Don't expect fantastic acceleration at traffic lights either, due to all that extra weight.

                                10. People won't think you are an 'idiot'

                                In an ordinary car, you won't get dirty looks from all and sundry when you drive around town, won't have to avoid eye contact with bus passengers, and cyclists won't mouth obscenities as they squeeze past you in a queue of traffic. As an extra bonus, other drivers might occasionally let you pull out ahead of them.
                                Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat

