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Police last night, morons

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  • Police last night, morons

    Went to the pictures last night (King Kong, top film) with my mate and on the way back went to the petrol station to fill up. This idiot at the next pump starts messing about with the nozzle acting the goat with his chav mates in the car. He's squirting the petrol about where the attendant couldn't see. anyway, my mate goes to pay and this moron squirts it at him, goes all down his arm and on his jeans. My mate grips him and gives him a slap, going berserk at him. The lad just jumps in his car and speeds off, but as they do one of the pricks in the car throws a cig at my mate, and his shirt catches fire. I'm chasing after the car at this point kicking the door, but they sped off. I noted the reg, my mates covered in sand thrown by another motorist, didnt get burnt too badly, turns out he burnt from his elbow to his wrist. Anyway the police were phoned, they turned up, we gave them all the details, witnesses made statements then THEY ARREST MY MATE!!! He’s been charged, and is in court Monday. Idiots!

  • #2
    Please tell us you got their badge numbers.......


    • #3
      whats this world coming too hope your mate is ok
      Enjoying Life after Cancer


      • #4
        you have got to be kidding this is f*****ing madness


        • #5
          I suggest if you ever see that little ****box car again you T-bone it square in the drivers door at about 30. With a bit of luck the police will arrest whats left of the driver after they remove him from your bumper with a fishslice....

          (only joking, I don't really advocate this sort of behevior. You could damage your chrome.)


          • #6
            As he probably admitted smacking him he got arrested. This Country sucks regarding LAW.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Medieval Dave
              I suggest if you ever see that little ****box car again you T-bone it square in the drivers door at about 30. With a bit of luck the police will arrest whats left of the driver after they remove him from your bumper with a fishslice....

              (only joking, I don't really advocate this sort of behevior. You could damage your chrome.)
              Of course not.

              What do you think A Bars are for?

              I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


              • #8
                Never admit to hitting the OFFENDER! There are a few Police Officers who own SURFS that will give advice on this one. Your mate struck out to protect himself as his life was put at risk. Video evidence if the garage had any?
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                • #9
                  This is exactly the reason why Law and Order are slowly breaking down and this nation of ours is becoming an ever more unsafe place to live. The police cannot do their job without the support of the public. They dont solve crimes in isolation, they solve them using public help, a word here and there, a witness statement, a bit of grassing up, whatever. As they continue to alienate more and more of the public, that help is less forthcoming, and the armoury of tools they use in the alienation process is ever growing. It starts with attitude, they talk down to you, even when youre trying to help them you can feel it coming across, patronising beyond beleif. Then they pull strokes like this, more people needlessly alienated. When are they and their political masters going to waken up and realise that its the ( reasonably ) law abiding majority who solve crime and prevent crime and once youve alienated them the police become largely ineffective and can only operate , where they saw the crime take place, ( motoring offences, Sat night punch ups) or where the crime is so bad that the public will for the occasion put aside their feelings and help out.
                  This type of story is becoming all too common and dont expect the courts to help either. They are basically just another police tool.

                  Сви можемо


                  • #10
                    This kind of thing makes my blood boil. As most of you know my daughter is a police officer and would be spitting feathers while reading this. Unfortunately she has colleagues who are cynical, suffering low morale and go for the easy nick every time.

                    Hopefully the court, if the scumbags solicitor doesn't do a deal with his to drop the charges against your mate - if he drops charges against him, will decide that he used reasonable force. Unfortunately that's how it is these days. Two wrongs can make a right. I thought plea bargaining was an American thing.

                    Being a petrol station there should be some reasonable CCTV evidence.
                    It's only a hobby!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                      This kind of thing makes my blood boil. As most of you know my daughter is a police officer and would be spitting feathers while reading this. Unfortunately she has colleagues who are cynical, suffering low morale and go for the easy nick every time.

                      Hopefully the court, if the scumbags solicitor doesn't do a deal with his to drop the charges against your mate - if he drops charges against him, will decide that he used reasonable force. Unfortunately that's how it is these days. Two wrongs can make a right. I thought plea bargaining was an American thing.

                      Being a petrol station there should be some reasonable CCTV evidence.
                      In my opinion,reasonable force against these kind of scum is to blow their heads off with a powerful handgun.Willfully setting fire to someone is attempted murder,let the punishment fit the crime.
                      Powered by ????


                      • #12
                        That's disgusting of the police to do that.

                        Are the just going to prosecute your mate and forget about the chavs ?
                        It should be treated as attempted murder or ABH at the very least.

                        Good luck to your mate in court , hopefully he'll have a judge with some common sense and will just throw the case out.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                          This kind of thing makes my blood boil. As most of you know my daughter is a police officer and would be spitting feathers while reading this. Unfortunately she has colleagues who are cynical, suffering low morale and go for the easy nick every time.

                          Hopefully the court, if the scumbags solicitor doesn't do a deal with his to drop the charges against your mate - if he drops charges against him, will decide that he used reasonable force. Unfortunately that's how it is these days. Two wrongs can make a right. I thought plea bargaining was an American thing.

                          Being a petrol station there should be some reasonable CCTV evidence.
                          And that is the first thing that will happen, the plea bargain, it may have America as its origin but its very British now.
                          Its expected, its encouraged and it is being woven inextricably into the whole legal system. What else is the fixed penalty? but a form of plea bargain, accept it and pay up or go to court and fare much worse. You can be as innocent as a new born, but take the court route and unless you have a great and dedicated ( and expensive) lawyer, a bunch of vicars and judges as witnesses, you will have no credibility in court when its your word against a pair of police officers. The cheapest and easiest route is therefore to accept the " plea bargain" aka the fixed penalty, its a game of percentages and innocent as you may be you accept the reduced plea and the system is oiled and smooth. refuse to accept it and you will be taught an expensive lesson. Everyone knows that there are innocent people in gaols, everyone knows that innocent people get guilty verdicts for something daily, but as long as the percentages remain small, who cares? Answer- Nobody else other than the innocent party.


                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            Absolutley stupid. I know first hand how biased the police are (there are a minority who are decent cops, but they are few and very rare). The problem with this case is that the police report goes like this back at HQ -

                            Crimes Reported: 1
                            Arrests Made: 1 (your mate)

                            So their books look nice and squared away. Doesn't matter to them if your friend is guilty or not, or if he gets convicted, but they can show that a higher "crimes committed/arrests made" ratio. And the commissioner can get a bigger BMW next budget.

                            I have some advice, gleaned from an ex-cop, if you ever get arrested because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time (i.e the police say "that guy will do" and arrest you to make the books look good)

                            DON'T SAY ANYTHING!

                            Seriously. When arrested, when interviewed, when in court, SAY NOTHING AT ALL. Anything you say CAN and WILL be used against you in court. If the cops are pressuring you to talk, that means they have **** all to convict you with, and need you to volunteer information so they can. They'll say stuff like "just say this, and we'll yet you out" or "just sign this and we can call your family" and my favourite, "your mate's already confessed, so you may as well tell us."

                            SAY NOTHING! Seriously. And don't think I'm some kinda criminal avoiding prosecution. I've never commited a crime in my life, and I've never been arrested or charged with anything, but I've been harrassed by police on several occasions.

                            Good luck to your friend. Hope the judge sees sense.
                            /_/ _ | 0\__
                            \,...__,..._ /


                            • #15
                              reminds me of an investigation programme [not all bad police out there]

                              a block of flats got burgled....Written down as 1 crime but solved as individual...talkin about cookin the books.

                              Another time, went out for a curry from work with a few others only to find that one of the guys cars had been broken into and a note found on the passenger seats [happended at xxxx but not informed the police]. So could have been written by a witness or the scumbags themselves.

                              Went to report at police station only to find that the phone outside the building had to be used [had to do this for a crime number for company isurers]. Cut off....

                              Rang again to get another person...waiting and waiting for an answer whilst several cars and vans are driving into the back yard...went to flag one down and just drove straight past and into the yard..gates closed

                              Police didnt even bother that a note had been written

                              Took over an 1hr to get a crime number...

