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The EU Budget

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  • The EU Budget

    Can you believe the treachery of that f****g wa***r Blair? Just seen the news and he is surrendering to the EU again. I hope someone "deals" with this traitor!!

  • #2
    He must be securing his future fanancially


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      He must be securing his future fanancially

      Your telling me mate. I wish I was an MP I tell you, I would kick their weak ar**'s all over Westminster. He is ok, he owns all these houses and earns a fortune. I just wish the Army would take control and kick their ar**'s out.

      It is called the House of Commons for a reason. You have the commoners and the Lords. But now the House of Commons hasn't got a commoner in site. It's all toffee nosed tw**s that are selling our country to the French and Europeans.


      • #4
        The time for revolution draws near!!!! Who wants to join my Ratepayers & Taxpayers Association?

        Association Rules:

        Rule 1. All MP's get paid the National average wage plus 10% and ALL expenses must be fully documented. MP's pensions linked to inflation only. That way they only get more if we all get more.

        Rule 2. The Majority come first. Minorities to get no more than the majority.

        Rule 3. All criminals to serve full sentence without remmission, working 8 hours a day to pay for their keep. No TV, no smokes, no drugs and no priority NHS treatment. Murderers to be executed. Thieves to be used instead of animals in medical testing (along with the ALF) - all CHAVS count as thieves!! regardless.

        Rule 4. No child benefit paid except to married couples with at least 5 years full NI contributions already paid between them.

        Rule 5. No benefits to anyone to exceed the state pension limit, regardless of the number of child dependents (so no DVD players, designer cloths and foreign hols without earning the money like the rest of us).

        Rule 6. No spped cameras except at designated accident black spots. All fines to be ploughed back into road safety.

        Rule 7. No tax on Veg oil used as fuel.

        Rule 8. Leave the EU immediately.

        Thats a start. Will add more as I think of them. Who wants to join?
        Mike G


        • #5
          You already have my vote Mike. The only thing that worries me is that you must have been reading my mind.

          I didn't expect anything less. There is no English representation in Europe. There is a Welsh Assembly, an Irish Assembly and a Scottish Assembly. I can't find any reference to England in any EU document. Interesting huh?
          Who cares as long as we are subsidisiing Spain, France and the other (previously) under developed countries?
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            christ... more politics??

            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tallyman
              The time for revolution draws near!!!! Who wants to join my Ratepayers & Taxpayers Association?

              Association Rules:

              Rule 1. All MP's get paid the National average wage plus 10% and ALL expenses must be fully documented. MP's pensions linked to inflation only. That way they only get more if we all get more.
              + All external income from company boards to be included in this wage!

              Rule 2. The Majority come first. Minorities to get no more than the majority.
              Any Minority not contributed to the national insurance or taxable income can 'sod off' for anything!!!

              Rule 3. All criminals to serve full sentence without remmission, working 8 hours a day to pay for their keep. No TV, no smokes, no drugs and no priority NHS treatment. Murderers to be executed. Thieves to be used instead of animals in medical testing (along with the ALF) - all CHAVS count as thieves!! regardless.
              All prosecuted persons will on release, re-emburse any persons experiancing any debt due to their actions (read theft) from the scum to the full amount plus extra's seen fit at the time!

              Rule 4. No child benefit paid except to married couples with at least 5 years full NI contributions already paid between them.
              Can anyone explane why the Queen (God bless her) is entitled to the same amount as 'sandra, mother of 5, aged 19 from scally estate, Scelmersdale?
              Cant compute on so many levels!!!!

              Rule 5. No benefits to anyone to exceed the state pension limit, regardless of the number of child dependents (so no DVD players, designer cloths and foreign hols without earning the money like the rest of us).
              Due to the expected bancrupsy of many track suite manufactors, this bill can be amended at short notice.

              Rule 6. No spped cameras except at designated accident black spots. All fines to be ploughed back into road safety.
              This is what we will tell the media

              Rule 7. No tax on Veg oil used as fuel.
              HHHHmmmm Nuf said!!!

              Rule 8. Leave the EU immediately.
              Open to re-join at a moments notice if it suits, ie. when european law makes more sence than the antiquated **** on our statute books. (Sunday trading laws for a starter)

              Thats a start. Will add more as I think of them. Who wants to join?
              I'm with you all the way m8, in fact I will stand as your running m8, (b0l0cks, that’s under secretary here init?).

              If it smells like fish, eat it!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tallyman
                The time for revolution draws near!!!! Who wants to join my Ratepayers & Taxpayers Association?

                Association Rules:

                Rule 1. All MP's get paid the National average wage plus 10% and ALL expenses must be fully documented. MP's pensions linked to inflation only. That way they only get more if we all get more.

                Rule 2. The Majority come first. Minorities to get no more than the majority.

                Rule 3. All criminals to serve full sentence without remmission, working 8 hours a day to pay for their keep. No TV, no smokes, no drugs and no priority NHS treatment. Murderers to be executed. Thieves to be used instead of animals in medical testing (along with the ALF) - all CHAVS count as thieves!! regardless.

                Rule 4. No child benefit paid except to married couples with at least 5 years full NI contributions already paid between them.

                Rule 5. No benefits to anyone to exceed the state pension limit, regardless of the number of child dependents (so no DVD players, designer cloths and foreign hols without earning the money like the rest of us).

                Rule 6. No spped cameras except at designated accident black spots. All fines to be ploughed back into road safety.

                Rule 7. No tax on Veg oil used as fuel.

                Rule 8. Leave the EU immediately.

                Thats a start. Will add more as I think of them. Who wants to join?

                Vote tallyman . THE 4X4 party future member of pariament . I salute you on your manifesto . Please add automatic wepons to the chunnel and keep those eec plebs out


                • #9
                  How adding this to your manefesto?

                  "This is an editorial written by an British citizen, published in a

                  National newspaper He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!"


                  NOT BRITS MUST ADAPT

                  I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some

                  individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on the 7th of

                  the 7th we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of

                  However, the disgust about the attacks had barely settled when the

                  "politically correct! " crowd began complaining about the possibility

                  that our patriotism was offending others.

                  I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone

                  who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain, Our population is

                  almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. (The Danes,

                  Romans ect.) However, there are a few things that those who have

                  recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to

                  understand. This idea of the Brits being a multicultural community has

                  served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As

                  Britain's we have our own culture, our own society, our own language

                  and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries

                  of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who

                  have sought freedom.

                  We speak ENGLISH, not Indian, Urdu, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,

                  Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part

                  of our society, learn the language! "Land of Hope & Glory" is our

                  motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan We

                  adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian

                  principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented It is

                  certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If

                  God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world

                  as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

                  If the 'Union Jack' flag offends you, or you don't like our QUEEN,

                  then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this

                  planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change,

                  and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This

                  is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle. Our Laws give every

                  citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every

                  opportunity to do so! But once you are done complaining, whining, and

                  griping about our flag, our lifestyle our government, or our way of

                  life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great BRITISH

                  freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE. It is Time for Gt Britain to Speak up If

                  you agree -- pass this along; if you don't agree -- delete it!



                  • #10
                    another quote for you
                    " we will not negotiate away the rebate"
                    oor tone about a month ago. so thats allright then.
                    it's in me shed, mate.


                    • #11
                      Right Fish, you're definitely in the Cabinet! Sorry Matt, we'll have to leave you trundling the nations goods around but we'll make sure every garage with a high enough canopy to accomodate your truck stocks Ginster's pasties!!

                      SSRAY, good find. There was also something in the Mail a few weeks ago that was very much in line with what the vast majority of people in this country want to see happen, including the ability of home owners to defend their property and person with whatever force is necessary (including shooting thieves & burglars) and for the police to chase the real villians instead of picking on victims (see other thread on here today).

                      Manifesto Pledge. Anthony Blair and anyone else who voted for it to be handed over to The Hague to stand trial for War Crimes (invading Iraq without legitimate cause and causing the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqies).

                      Back of the soap box for a while (want to spend an hour or two killing Nazis - CoD2).
                      Mike G


                      • #12
                        Can I suggest another minor amendment for rule 1 ?

                        The spouses earnings are also to be taken into account !

                        Otherwise those married to members of the legal profession who also partake in the after dinner speaking circuit will be getting away with it.

                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #13
                          Oh Well here goes the national debt again.

                          Was supposed to be bringing it down from 17bn to 10bn but once again Blair kissed the Franco-German pact and is handing over more subsidies to the ****** french who on first light have not had to capitulate anything.

                          And the so called Europeans wonder why many Brits are against the European Common policy

                          Referendum Goes
                          All eu contries will have a referendum
                          French get info what it means to them
                          Dutch gets info what it means to them
                          Danes, Finnish, Swedes ect..
                          British - yes we will, no we wont, lets seeis the attitude

                          French say No
                          Dutch say No
                          Britain [Blair acting EU Presidency] - we'll cancel the referendum until further notice [knowing full well that the country would choose no and hence, kill of the bill totally]
                          Last edited by Gizmo; 17 December 2005, 19:02.


                          • #14
                            Did you expect anything less from Comrade Blair. I have lost count of the times he says one thing and does another. So now we are giving another 7 BILLION of our hard earned cash to the EU so that Blair can look like the good guy and save his ego. And of that 7 Billion, FRANCE gets their hands on 2 BILLION of it.

                            I am absolutely lost for words. They are laughing their t*ts off in Europe at the "weak" British Government. All he had to do was say NO, and stick to it. But no, he has to give all OUR money away to the EU again. I can tell you what is going to happen when this "review" happens. The French will say," Well, we have looked at the budget, and think it's fine as it is, thanks very much".

                            Let's hope by then we will have a different Government with some balls, and get us out of that corrupt sess pit called Europe.


                            • #15
                              No problem, If our Tony & Gordon are short of a few 'bob', They could always 'invent' an environmental 'issue' and we will just have to cough up for it. After all, it's us and our 4X4 'leviathans' that are causing untold amounts of irreparable damage to the country and the atmosphere...........isn't it?

