Originally posted by DaveD
No announcement yet.
what you getting for Christmas?
Originally posted by stormforce1067gonna print off some of the info so i know what's what
it doesnt look too bad....seems more brute force and iggerance than technical but then I've been wrong before
Sorry to hear about your redundancy Dave. Hope another door opens for you soon mate.
I am getting (have got) a Epson RX530 Photo printer. So I will be able to print pictures from the off road events........................ .....if I ever remember to take the camera in the first place.It's only a hobby!
Originally posted by Draig
have you noticed, how many men get car bits as presents and think it's great - but give a woman a new set of saucepans and they go all huffy? Ingrates ay?
(Dave ducks for cover now)ETA mind you, they would be ok for heating vegoil prior to filtering wouldnt they??
Tony is (hopefully) making me sliders for crimbo.. fingers are well crossed
I love Christmas and would be happy with any car bits, or horse stuff.Linda
Originally posted by DaveDI fancy doing the lift myself just waiting for a time when I have spare dosh(ha!)
it doesnt look too bad....seems more brute force and iggerance than technical but then I've been wrong beforehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/henpals/
Originally posted by LindaGive me saucepans and I'd hit you with them!!ETA mind you, they would be ok for heating vegoil prior to filtering wouldnt they??
Tony is (hopefully) making me sliders for crimbo.. fingers are well crossed
I love Christmas and would be happy with any car bits, or horse stuff.Dave
Originally posted by LindaGive me saucepans and I'd hit you with them!!ETA mind you, they would be ok for heating vegoil prior to filtering wouldnt they??
Tony is (hopefully) making me sliders for crimbo.. fingers are well crossed
I love Christmas and would be happy with any car bits, or horse stuff.