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Vine's at it agian - this time it's bull bars !

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  • Vine's at it agian - this time it's bull bars !


    There's a poll too - I voted yes even though I haven't got any !

    My position is that he has no British data to substantiate his case (as well as a load of other stuff to refute his blinkered viewpoint)

    Go get him guys !

    (and gals too)

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    i'm lucky, i leave the DC at 1400, so just in time for steve wright!...

    When's ask elvis on next?
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Don't forget...

      If you run Internet Explorer...
      Tools - Internet Options - General - Delete Cookies...

      refresh screen and vote again...


      • #4
        Well that is upto 30%...


        • #5
          What is he on?

          I'm sorry, but he needs shooting.

          Crumple zones that protect pedestrians are a great idea, of that there is no denying.
          But who can afford a new car with those zones, that does all the things I need it to do. Or afford a new car when a new safety feature comes out...

          Road safety, surely, is about how the vehicle is used, not what the vehicle is?

          When the risk is higher of more unpredictable pedestrians, then your speed should drop to a crawl, and your vigilance increase...?

          US style 5mph round schools...etc...

          This is along the lines of banning guns... (a little extreme) - its not the gun that kills, its the person pulling the trigger.

          I must take a pickaxe handle to my soapbox...


          • #6
            I've just emailed him, I have sent him a much more interesting Poll, A link to the "what to do with Jeremy Vine" Poll that has been running on ere!!

            Wonder if it'll get a mention??

            Is anyone listening to the show?
            Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


            • #7
              Originally posted by AndyLala
              What is he on?

              I'm sorry, but he needs shooting.

              Crumple zones that protect pedestrians are a great idea, of that there is no denying.
              But who can afford a new car with those zones, that does all the things I need it to do. Or afford a new car when a new safety feature comes out...

              Road safety, surely, is about how the vehicle is used, not what the vehicle is?

              When the risk is higher of more unpredictable pedestrians, then your speed should drop to a crawl, and your vigilance increase...?

              US style 5mph round schools...etc...

              This is along the lines of banning guns... (a little extreme) - its not the gun that kills, its the person pulling the trigger.

              I must take a pickaxe handle to my soapbox...

              Educate pedestrians would be easier, maybe some graphic images on T.V. showing what they would look like if they don't pay attention when crossing the road whilst talking on their mobile phones and checking their reflections in shop windows.
              Bring back the cycling proficiancy tests as well. That way if anybody gets knocked off their bikes by any vehicle for not paying attention, and they are found out to having passed a cycle test / road awareness test, there's nothing they can do about it and they can get an extra slap for being a tw*t!


              • #8
                I recon this whole thing about Bull Bars is just another thing that 'they' can blame for something or other. Justifies politicians driving at 70 in their Jags, like they won't hurt anyone if they run them down.

                I agree about the crumple zones on cars. It's true that more people would choose these if they could afford them. If I could afford it I'd drive a Lexus RX400h to cut down pollution, but let's get real shall we?!

                Surely the best way is not to drive into people in the first place? Let's face it, if a two-ton truck is barrelling down on me, I ain't gonna worry whether it's got some shiney metal on the front or not.
                /_/ _ | 0\__
                \,...__,..._ /


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AndyLala
                  Don't forget...

                  If you run Internet Explorer...
                  Tools - Internet Options - General - Delete Cookies...

                  refresh screen and vote again...
                  lol......I set that poll so you could click multiple options.......


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joe112
                    I've just emailed him, I have sent him a much more interesting Poll, A link to the "what to do with Jeremy Vine" Poll that has been running on ere!!
                    Possibly a bad idea - could easily be used as evidence of what a bunch of pedestrian-hating psychos we are, by anyone with a sense of humour bypass or an agenda of their own to promote (i.e JV - on both counts)

                    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                    • #11
                      I don't have bull bars on any of my trucks, personally I don't like them. Give me a good useful winch bumper anytime.

                      Has he nothing better to talk about, its been done to death, just a load of sensationalist garbage.
                      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                      • #12
                        I just sent Jeremy some fan mail
                        Powered by ????


                        • #13
                          Jeremy Vine is such a d**k head. There are people plotting to blow us all up, and all he is worried about is bull bars and 4X4's. Change the record Vine!!

                          The BBC is just the mouth piece of this Police State Labour government. They stood up to the government once, and then they back down when it threatens them with a review of the Licence Fee. That's all this government is about, controling every aspect of your lives. That's what the Labour party is about, they are a socialist party, left wing and as close to a communist government you are likely to get in this country. They are on about banning off roading on bi-ways as well.

                          He kept saying about hitting children with a bull bar fitted. Well if you hit a small child with a truck, the child is more than likely going to end up going underneath it as it's so high off the road.

                          My truck has got a bull bar fitted, it was fitted by the factory when new. I like bull bars as they help prevent damage to your truck if some idiot backs into it because they can't park. They also hold my fog lights. If I take it off, there is still a metal bumper behind it, so that wouldn't make any difference. I'm sick to death of this anti 4X4 cr*p that is constantly on the airwaves. Sure I hate those parents that buy a 4X4 as a school run vehicle and clog the roads up in the morning and afternoon instead of walking like I used to have to do (2 miles to my old school). But at the end of the day it's a personal choice, and one for which we pay for dearly by means of road tax and fuel duty.

                          I first owned a 4X4 back in 1989, and have owned them ever since. I own 3. Two I use for Ex Military shows in the summer, and my Surf is for my daily duties. If they start telling us what we can and can't have fitted to our trucks it won't stop there. They will then say you can't buy a 4X4 unless you can prove that you use it for a business. Then that will be the end of democracy. Look at America, nearly every one has a 4X4 or SUV, and their government sticks two fingers up at anyone who tries to get them to raise fuel prices etc.

                          This used to be a free country once, but not any longer. The sad thing is, you live your life under the Jack Boot of the government until you die. You only get one life and you should be able to live it more or less how you want without the interference of the nanny state. Have you noticed that years ago, with less rules and laws we had a better society, you could leave your doors open. You could leave your vehicle at the shopping centre without having to worry if it will still be there when you got back. Old people were able to walk the streets at night.

                          Years and years of liberal left wing rubbish has left our society devoid of any moral fiber, and it is a lot poorer for it. Bring back capital punishment, bring back hard discipline in schools, flog petty criminals on a Saturday in the market square with the public there to humiliate them. Bring back National Service. These measures seem middle aged, but if you obay the law what have you got to worry about?

                          Ok, rant over with now!!


                          • #14
                            I give up listening to vine, Just a sensation seeking tw@t, Wether your hit
                            with bars, a winch or crumple zones it's going to hurt, The degree depends
                            on the speed, as i dont drive like a looney, No problem, Replace vine with
                            an hour long ask elvis, Much better! Steve Wright drives a Rangey doent he?
                            Could get him to give vine a kicking. Even if i could afford a new car with crumple zone i would'nt want one, they mostly look the same, much prefer a surf with nice bars, spots etc anyday.
                            Last edited by POPEYE; 15 December 2005, 18:16.
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by M35A2
                              Jeremy Vine is such a d**k head. There are people plotting to blow us all up, and all he is worried about is bull bars and 4X4's. Change the record Vine!!

                              The BBC is just the mouth piece of this Police State Labour government. They stood up to the government once, and then they back down when it threatens them with a review of the Licence Fee. That's all this government is about, controling every aspect of your lives. That's what the Labour party is about, they are a socialist party, left wing and as close to a communist government you are likely to get in this country. They are on about banning off roading on bi-ways as well.

                              He kept saying about hitting children with a bull bar fitted. Well if you hit a small child with a truck, the child is more than likely going to end up going underneath it as it's so high off the road.

                              My truck has got a bull bar fitted, it was fitted by the factory when new. I like bull bars as they help prevent damage to your truck if some idiot backs into it because they can't park. They also hold my fog lights. If I take it off, there is still a metal bumper behind it, so that wouldn't make any difference. I'm sick to death of this anti 4X4 cr*p that is constantly on the airwaves. Sure I hate those parents that buy a 4X4 as a school run vehicle and clog the roads up in the morning and afternoon instead of walking like I used to have to do (2 miles to my old school). But at the end of the day it's a personal choice, and one for which we pay for dearly by means of road tax and fuel duty.

                              I first owned a 4X4 back in 1989, and have owned them ever since. I own 3. Two I use for Ex Military shows in the summer, and my Surf is for my daily duties. If they start telling us what we can and can't have fitted to our trucks it won't stop there. They will then say you can't buy a 4X4 unless you can prove that you use it for a business. Then that will be the end of democracy. Look at America, nearly every one has a 4X4 or SUV, and their government sticks two fingers up at anyone who tries to get them to raise fuel prices etc.

                              This used to be a free country once, but not any longer. The sad thing is, you live your life under the Jack Boot of the government until you die. You only get one life and you should be able to live it more or less how you want without the interference of the nanny state. Have you noticed that years ago, with less rules and laws we had a better society, you could leave your doors open. You could leave your vehicle at the shopping centre without having to worry if it will still be there when you got back. Old people were able to walk the streets at night.

                              Years and years of liberal left wing rubbish has left our society devoid of any moral fiber, and it is a lot poorer for it. Bring back capital punishment, bring back hard discipline in schools, flog petty criminals on a Saturday in the market square with the public there to humiliate them. Bring back National Service. These measures seem middle aged, but if you obay the law what have you got to worry about?

                              Ok, rant over with now!!

                              I would just like to say that I totally agree with everything you just said, but I have to back it up with this if you don't mind.


