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Veg conversion?

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  • Veg conversion?

    talking to a guy who's mate had a proffessional veg conversion done on his Pajero that starts and turns off on diesel and includes a heater didn't know what he paid
    is this something that is worth doing can it be done DIY what is involved
    just wondering

  • #2
    have a look in the veg oil thread... there's links in there...

    or ask the bloke that's had it done.
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Elsbett and Greasecar are two conversion websites to start with. If you heat the vegoil it burns more completely apparently and there's less chance of gumming the engine chamber.

      £1000-2000 to get someone to do it for you, or less than £500 if you get and fit the kit yourself. Sounds a good idea to get a fuel cat too.

      Journey to Forever, check the Biofuel link on the left hand side, has very good links. Sorry lost all my links in a reboot so have to google the names.

      (Still not done this myself but pondering)



      • #4
        Thats just a normal 'proper' two tank system, ChunkeyMonkey has one he fitted himself, its not that tricky to fit or try your local 'Surf Specialist'........

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyN
          Thats just a normal 'proper' two tank system, ChunkeyMonkey has one he fitted himself, its not that tricky to fit or try your local 'Surf Specialist'........

          Erm ..... who's that then?
          Did I mention I have a BLUE one


          • #6
            Originally posted by fatfires
            Erm ..... who's that then?
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

