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  • Birthdays!

    As no-one else has mentioned / noticed, I do it............

    Wheelrepairit, izzatrini, UDTrev (47), Fieldsy (42), Carl Eden (41), john.sally (40), stara (35), Born2ski (35), phil (30)

    Happy birthday fellas!

  • #2
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
    As no-one else has mentioned / noticed, I do it............

    Wheelrepairit, izzatrini, UDTrev (47), Fieldsy (42), Carl Eden (41), john.sally (40), stara (35), Born2ski (35), phil (30)

    Happy birthday fellas!
    Why thank you dear boy

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the others in the illustrious list

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      wot a pleasant chap,why thank you to

      this is the glourius 12th
      Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


      • #4
        Happy birthday guys
        I'm a custard donut monster


        • #5
          Originally posted by john.sally
          wot a pleasant chap,why thank you to

          this is the glourius 12th
          It sure is

          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6
            It's my Daughters birthday today. She is 17. So can I say a big Happy Birthday to my daughter, Kerys.


            • #7
              Happy birthday all!

              Trev - Lottie and I saw you the weekend before last, we were stuck in a jam at those darn temportary lights at Ditchling and we went ooooh surf... it's green.. it's Trev! before realising we were in a transit van and you would have no clue who those nutters were!
              Real trucks don't have spark plugs


              • #8
                bit late but hope you had a goog one all
                Enjoying Life after Cancer


                • #9
                  Thank you kindly, people

                  Just a shame, that me and the other half decided to go out for a meal, but my litt'lun develped a stomach bug (poor thing), and has had stomach cramps and sickness all day.............feel so sorry for her, but she's taking it all in her stride.....................per haps next year ??
                  Last edited by Fieldsy; 13 December 2005, 06:29.


                  • #10
                    It was my birthday last week, I was working in Venezuela, I got many birthday kisses from Venezuelan ladies in the office

                    Sorry, but I have to tell as many people as possible
                    Real trucks don't have spark plugs


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Snoop
                      It was my birthday last week, I was working in Venezuela, I got many birthday kisses from Venezuelan ladies in the office

                      Sorry, but I have to tell as many people as possible
                      Hope Lottie knows about this, or you may be in a spot of bother

                      Those lights at ditchling are a right royal pain in the bum, but the ones on Isaac's lane have been no trouble

                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

