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Crazy ebay

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  • Crazy ebay

    Can anybody explain what went on here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...MEWA%3AIT&rd=1

    I know these things go for silly money but it seems someone jumped in at the end and screwed the auction up. Wierd

    My Pointer ate the dog trainer

  • #2
    Originally posted by Gamedawn
    Can anybody explain what went on here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...MEWA%3AIT&rd=1

    I know these things go for silly money but it seems someone jumped in at the end and screwed the auction up. Wierd
    if you ask me they got someone to bid up for them and it got out of hand.if you look at their f/back 1 person has nothing and the other has 1 but he had bought a remote controlled car b4.i never trust any that has got a list of zero f/back bidders as i think they are just there to put the price up


    • #3
      that or some spotty youth has worked out how to hack the sniping programs and is doing it for the niusance value... kids,eh?
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        that or some spotty youth has worked out how to hack the sniping programs and is doing it for the niusance value... kids,eh?

        This is a fake auction and the persons acount has been hijacked, the auction is for 1 day and it asks to be paid for by western union or Bank Transfer ..oh yeah sure.......
        Plus if you look at this auction

        Then you will see he has nicked the auction from a real one based in Tokyo
        Happens all the time, if an auction asks you to use a seperate e-mail account to contact and is too cheap or too good a deal then its snide


        • #5
          I thought it was either a collectors item or maybe there were two people dense enough to think it was a real monster truck.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            on the other hand... he has an FG monster (same as i just paid a grand for!!)... for £21!!

            might get a spare!

            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              I seen that this morning,there were at least 3 items listed.Some sort of scam i reckon,or as mentioned earlier someones account been hijacked.
              So many toys-So little cash


              • #8
                look at the winners name..
                i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by johnd
                  look at the winners name..
                  Yea,did see that....
                  So many toys-So little cash


                  • #10
                    further to that - it says - if you seal my pictures and descrption I will steal from you - all over the background....
                    Nili secundum desperandum

