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Changed Attitudes?

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  • Changed Attitudes?

    Well, well, well. Have you seen the news lately? All this complaining and moaning about 4X4's in todays society, how bad they are for the enviroment blah,blah,blah......... What a difference a bit of snow makes.

    Now all you hear on the news is the fact that hundreds of people are stranded in their "cars" and they are all awaiting rescue. And how are they going to be "rescued" I wonder?????

    Yes, you guesed it. They are waiting to be rescued by FOUR WHEEL DRIVE vehicles. But I can bet once a week has passed and the snow has melted, the calls for the extermination of the 4X4 will continue.

    I own 3 4X4's, and I am so tempted to buy another, just to p**s them off even more.

  • #2
    You mean this?



    There's another hidden gem in there too:

    "It advised drivers to check road conditions and weather forecasts before setting off on journeys. "

    WHAT!- there was NO forecast of this snow - the Met Office blizzard warning only came out at 4:30pm AFTER snowing had started! There was nothing about heavy snow on BBC weather by mid afternoon either.

    Best of all there's more to come on Wednesday!


    EARLY WARNING of Freezing Rain and Widespread Icy Roads Issued by the Met Office at 11:04 on Tuesday, 29 November

    OVERALL RISK ASSESSMENT: The probability of disruption due to severe weather conditions in part of the United Kingdom within the next 24 hours is 60 percent.
    This is the first warning of disruption due to Freezing Rain.
    The Met Office is expecting a band of rain (initially starting as snow) to edge eastwards across the country during Wednesday 30th November. There is a moderate to high risk of this rain falling onto sub-zero surfaces and this will lead to widespread icy conditions for a time. Latest evidence suggests that the peak risk will coincide with the Wednesday morning rush-hour over central areas of the UK. This will be a short-lived but potentially dangerous event.
    This warning is likely to be superseded by Flash messages."
    Last edited by laser_jock@work; 29 November 2005, 14:43.


    • #3
      That really says it all! They should find all the anti 4x4 mob AND LEAVE THEM THERE!

      Having skidded down the road in a ford escort and the resulting damage, give me a 4x4 anyday!

      Bring on the snow
      Bring me the head of a treehugger

