I had my wisdom teeth out on Friday. All four of them. They had a problem with my bottom right tooth, which was growing sideways. The Surgeon said he tried to split it in half and get it out, but he had to end up using a power drill to drill it out. They also said I bled like hell and lost quite a bit of blood.
I am now off work until Saturday, a weeks supply of pain killers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Dosed up to the eyeballs and starving hungry. I can only open my mouth a little bit, and all I have eaten since Thursday night is SOUP. I've got a fridge full of Fosters, but can't drink any of it because of the medicine I'm on. My face looks like it's been run over by a road roller.
Now what soup do I have for dinner? Is it tomato or chicken and veg? Mmmm....... What a choice. Any photo's of a nice roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings would go down a treat.
I am now off work until Saturday, a weeks supply of pain killers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Dosed up to the eyeballs and starving hungry. I can only open my mouth a little bit, and all I have eaten since Thursday night is SOUP. I've got a fridge full of Fosters, but can't drink any of it because of the medicine I'm on. My face looks like it's been run over by a road roller.
Now what soup do I have for dinner? Is it tomato or chicken and veg? Mmmm....... What a choice. Any photo's of a nice roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings would go down a treat.
