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ATS are a joke

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  • ATS are a joke

    Went to ATS today to ask the guy if he could take a Land Rover 7.50x16 tyre off the rim and put a new inner tube (which I've got) in and re-fit the tyre back on the rim. I was told that it's company policy not to do this??????? What a joke. Is this supposed to be a tyre fitting company or what????? I've got a slow puncture and need to get the tyre off the rim and find out what caused it and replace the inner tube. I reckon it's because I'm not buying lots of new tyres. b****y jobsworths.

  • #2
    Originally posted by M35A2
    Went to ATS today to ask the guy if he could take a Land Rover 7.50x16 tyre off the rim and put a new inner tube (which I've got) in and re-fit the tyre back on the rim. I was told that it's company policy not to do this??????? What a joke. Is this supposed to be a tyre fitting company or what????? I've got a slow puncture and need to get the tyre off the rim and find out what caused it and replace the inner tube. I reckon it's because I'm not buying lots of new tyres. b****y jobsworths.

    there are more and more companies refusing to fit tyres bought else where
    may pay to find a back street garage that will be willing to do it


    • #3
      Back street garages near me are happy to fit tyres, they're grateful for the business that was robbed from them by the big tyre and exhaust emporiums.


      • #4
        I've got an MOT booked for the 1st December on my Defender. I need to get it done by then as the tyres are directional Michelin XCL's (look like motocross tyres) and my spare is running back to front. The guy said he would do it for about a tenner, but I think they would use tyre levers as they haven't got a machine. This is dodgy when you have an inner tube as you can pinch it. We have "Trucktyre" at work on site all the time. I might have a word with the fitter. Sure he would do it for a tenner beer money. We also have "carrier" at our depot everyday servicing the fridges on the trailers. The guy said he would re-gas my aircon with R134 and re-oil it for £40. I reckon this is a good price, what you reckon?


        • #5
          dont ask about ATS look this http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...ad.php?t=17994

          try the poll n all


          • #6
            they're not F**kin cheap either.
            a pox on them


            • #7
              Bigger the outfit the bigger the rip off, My son took his Saxo to a main dealer
              (service reccord stamp) They made a right mess of it over 300 quid for a service and front break pads, they left the wire clips off the callipers, Failed
              to stamp the book with the correct name and got grease on the seat and dash, But when the work is being carried out by some spotty know nothing
              **** what do you expect
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                try the ATS in thatcham.. the boys there will do it for a pint!
                or, headley tyres... they're good too
                or the tyre bay (down lower way, by the sewers)... Paul there is an off road fella so he know how to do an inner tube job properly.
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  ATS have an offer on at the moment - 25% off 4 x 4 tyres.
                  I had Grandtreks on my truck and after reading loads of stuff on the forum about tyres decided I wanted BFGs. I have just paid £310 for four.
                  Mind you they wanted over forty quid to fit and balance them so I took them to my regular back street tyre co who done them for a score .
                  If you're gonna have one ...... have a good'un!


                  • #10
                    ATS in Trowbridge generally know what they're doing but they're still a kwit-fit type tyre fitter. They ain't cheap, I once paid them £90 just to fit 5 tyres that I already had to 5 rims I already had (not one of my better buys). Still, I trust them more than many places, especially Krap-Fit.
                    Definitely would NOT take a vehicle there for anything, other than tyres or exhausts tho. (same rule applies for Hi-Q, Kwik-Fit, etc etc).


                    • #11
                      Oh, and ATS in bedford are known to do what ever your want for very little, cash, on a saturday


                      • #12
                        Hadleigh tyres in felixstowe is the place for me they are a great bunch of lads and very helpful and always greet me with a cheery Oh no its him quick hide,(only joking),not only that but I get to dribble over the V8 hilux pick up that lives there.
                        If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                        • #13
                          ATS are wa****s. The guy in Didcot was a right jobsworth.

                          I took my tyre and rim down to a place called SUTTON COURTNEY TYRES on Thursday. I asked the guy if he would take the tyre off the rim, look for what caused the puncture, remove offending item, and replace the tyre back on the rim with a new inner tube (which I supplied). "No problem" was his reply. When can you do it, I asked? "Straight away" was his reply. How much will it cost me I asked? "Ten quid mate" was his reply. They were really busy, but still did it there and then for a tenner. It's a village tyre garage and they seem to have lots of 4X4's use it as they had loads of 4X4 tyres in their stock area and had a Land Rover and Isuzu in the bays getting new rubber fitted. I think they do all the farmers etc around Didcot.

                          So if anyone lives near Didcot and needs their tyres doing try Sutton Courtney Tyres. Very friendly, fast service and most importantly, cheap.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by M35A2
                            Went to ATS today to ask the guy if he could take a Land Rover 7.50x16 tyre off the rim and put a new inner tube (which I've got) in and re-fit the tyre back on the rim. I was told that it's company policy not to do this??????? What a joke. Is this supposed to be a tyre fitting company or what????? I've got a slow puncture and need to get the tyre off the rim and find out what caused it and replace the inner tube. I reckon it's because I'm not buying lots of new tyres. b****y jobsworths.
                            I had a problem with a metal valve I snapped off in a petrol station while inflating it and needed a replacement so I went to ATS and asked for a quote for five new off road tyres...and while they were at it could they replace the valves on the spare and the passenger sides...very pricey quote and valves for free said I wold get back to them...needless to say I did not need any tyres but got what I wanted


                            • #15
                              The thing is. I get my Land Rover tyres from an MOD dealer that has the contract for ex MOD tyres. As I show my Land Rovers in Military shows, they have to be fitted with the correct tyres when the vehicle was in service. That's Good Year hi-miler extra grips on series 3's and Michelin XCL's on the Defender. I can get these tyres brand new for about £40 each. But you then need to get a tyre place to fit them. That's when you get the problems, as most places make their money on the tyres they sell, and just getting them fitted doesn't interest most people.

                              People are obviously company men these days. If I had the chance to charge £10 a tyre to fit them, £40 beer money, I would gladly do it.

