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Another Update

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  • Another Update

    Very frosty in mornings, but car starts first time with no clatter compaired to 50/50. £5-6 unleaded with rest being veg oil.
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    Sorry mate, run that by me again please! RU suggesting that your truk is running just veg oil thinned down with a deep sea's worth of regular unleaded?
    If so, awesome..

    Where d,ya get the oil? I had a luk in the local cash and carry and veg oil is more expensive for 20 litres (£14.00) than it is to buy from local supermarket (£1.20 for 3 litres)

    I aint run on oil other than once last week as a trial no problems but not decided if i am gunna go this route yet.

    I used to have a surf me!


    • #3
      I put 9lts of veg in mine the other week and topped tank to brim with derv. It seemed to run ok, apart from the smell. I got mine from Tesco for £1.25 for 3lt bottle.
      My dad works in the building game and said there is 90 gallons of red diesel going for free at the site he's on. Am very tempted to put that in, but I don't know how long it stains your system up for. 90 gallons would last me a few weeks, and as it's free even better.
      Like you I'm not sure about constant use of veg oil. Until someone on here says they have run their truck for 6yrs on it with no problems, I'm a bit wary of the long term effects.


      • #4
        Originally posted by M35A2
        I put 9lts of veg in mine the other week and topped tank to brim with derv. It seemed to run ok, apart from the smell. I got mine from Tesco for £1.25 for 3lt bottle.
        My dad works in the building game and said there is 90 gallons of red diesel going for free at the site he's on. Am very tempted to put that in, but I don't know how long it stains your system up for. 90 gallons would last me a few weeks, and as it's free even better.
        Like you I'm not sure about constant use of veg oil. Until someone on here says they have run their truck for 6yrs on it with no problems, I'm a bit wary of the long term effects.
        it will stain for a good few fill ups


        • #5

          I have been running my car on 90% veg oil and 10% unleaded, since some German guys at Beaulieu Autojumble, told me they have been running like that for two years, without problems. So game for anything, thats what i have been doing. Before that, i was running a mix of veg and diesel, but if morning was a bit colder, engine would clunk a lot and not run smoothly for first 5 mins. Now its same as diesel. All i can say is it starts first time and when last week, i had to use full tank of diesel, i am still getting minimum 10% improvement in economy, which i THINK must show that the injectors are fine. Went to Tony's last week with the intention of fitting electric in line heater, but came to conclusion that i didn't need it. All i have on my car is the Fuel Cat heater unit.
          I can not recommend other people to use the mix i do, but for me, so far its working. Just had smoke test done for MOT and reading was 2.07 on diesel, Which i think is OK.
          Still Searching,
          Dick Whittington

