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If we arrive home and there's no gas...

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  • If we arrive home and there's no gas...

    ...can we get it re-connected before we get back to the UK as we might be arriving on the 23/24 December? Same question for the lekky...

  • #2
    Originally posted by bundubasher
    ...can we get it re-connected before we get back to the UK as we might be arriving on the 23/24 December? Same question for the lekky...
    what gas and leccy companies you with perhaps someone may be able to ring them and the post back to you letting you know


    • #3
      Originally posted by bundubasher
      ...can we get it re-connected before we get back to the UK as we might be arriving on the 23/24 December? Same question for the lekky...
      Would have thought that there would be some info on their websites - or at least an email address to try putting the question to them.
      Constantly Striving to Attain Lower Standards


      • #4
        Apart from the new sprog, the other reason we are going home is that we will be suing are letting agent, NEWMANS, for theft and incompetancy! Our last tenants have just bailed out and Newmans are ****ers and so we don't who the property is with at present! Are there any emergency numbers we can contact if we get home and the place is off-line? (will try their websites too)


        • #5
          reconnect it yourself...
          bolt cutters for gas, then turn lever...
          60/100amp fuse for electric (if they've bothered taking it!)... if there's no carrier then it's (um can't remember my fuses!) (think it's an NITD??)
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            Originally posted by bundubasher
            Apart from the new sprog, the other reason we are going home is that we will be suing are letting agent, NEWMANS, for theft and incompetancy! Our last tenants have just bailed out and Newmans are ****ers and so we don't who the property is with at present! Are there any emergency numbers we can contact if we get home and the place is off-line? (will try their websites too)
            I'm sure it's in their policy that they can't leave u without heating for more than 4hrs if u hav a sprog (especially if u say that the sprog ain't feeling well and ur waiting 4 the doctor in the dark and cold tut tut....won't look good on them. )
            lets go get dirty...

