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This is a RANT.......sorry but what would you do??

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  • #31
    Originally posted by marky
    i had an H painted across it.
    was it a hologram?
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #32
      Originally posted by da SLUG man
      was it a hologram?

      no it's for helipad


      • #33
        reply to Kazam401 re; "miserable moaning git" / "Yapping ankle biter!"

        Oh dear, i really have rattled your cage have'nt i?! Far from being a miserable git, i have in fact got a very good sense of humour, hence my comments on your "problem dog" emigrating. I was meerly trying to lighten up things a little on this forum and got the exact knee jeek reaction that i anticipated i.e.(you spat your dummy out). I find your comments highly ammusing. Bet a few other readers also raised a smile too. Chill out surfer, we only come this way once. If you know you aint gota problem with "yapper", then so be it, let complainant prove it and when/if he/she cant, then go laugh at them, preferably making whoofing and howling noises at them. Job done!!!
        P.S. Aint got no neighbours. Drove em away long time ago. LOL.
        Last edited by DexterSurf; 20 November 2005, 22:34.


        • #34
          I play the drums. Have my kit set up in the bedroom and practice quite often. But as I am very considerate, I draw the line at 6pm. It is a lot louder than a dog. I get the odd bang on the wall in the afternoon sometimes from the guy next door. He works really funny hours, sometimes in the day and sometimes in the night. But considering he puts his stereo on loud and then leaves it on when he goes out I consider it only fair that I keep to my practice times whether he has worked all night or not. I've never had any letters of complaint.


          • #35
            Originally posted by DexterSurf
            If you know you aint gota problem with "yapper", then so be it, let complainant prove it and when/if he/she cant, then go laugh at them, preferably making whoofing and howling noises at them. Job done!!!
            P.S. Aint got no neighbours. Drove em away long time ago. LOL.
            Got the reply I antisipated from the council, told to basically ignore the letter, didn't get who wrote it, but know it's the old retired chuffer in the flat nearest our back.

            Can't wait for new years eve still got a load of very loud rockets which have a tendancy to fly off sideways (depending how you aim them )

            Ps Miles isn't coming with us down under unfortunately it will be too stressfull for him & cost us a fortune...........so might make him a condition in the sale of the house......................wan t the house??? you've got to keep the dog


            • #36
              The Dogs

              Hi, Well this is all down to common sence i suppose! I mean you know if your dog is being a nusence or not, If its not then bo##ocks to the nabours, If it is
              then you gotta do something about it, Dogs like most other animals are
              social creatures and some do not take well to being left alone, Some bark,
              some wreck the house, birds will sometimes pull there fearhers out, One of
              our chinchilla's bites the fur off his back if we leave him alone for the evening,
              I know you said hes not left alone too often so fair enough its just a
              miserable sod with nothing better to do, Every street's got one, (Im not ours
              by the way), We had a barker next door for about two years, Didnt bother me, The only time i "dropped dime" on him was when i herard the dog being
              punched or kicked one day, You know when an animal is being hurt! RSPCA
              visited but did buggerall, I managed to save the cat though, It was allways
              tied by a 10ft string to the washing line in all weathers, Its now living with a mate some miles away and very happy!! However if your going to loose your
              rag when someone dissagrees or takes the **** then best not post on here in the first place, You gotta expect some smartarse remarks (Its what makes this forum better than most others), Would'nt mind your dog myself but my
              wifes set her mind on one of those ? not sure what there called chinn? chow?
              a big brown ugly thing with lots of folds in its skin, (if any one knows their name let me know) Probably bl00dy expensive as well!!!!! Later Ian
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

