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surfing the veggie wave

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  • surfing the veggie wave

    howdy yall
    Had my 2.4 almost a week so I thought "what the hell" I will give it a go.
    Bought 12 litres of Veggie oil from supermarket to experiment and put this in with half a tank of Diesel.
    Drove 100 miles last night without any problems at all. overnight was very cold in Yorkshire with a bit of a frost and no problems starting this morning.

    Cost £3.60 for 12 litres which is standard supermarket prices.

    Would be much cheaper in bulk.
    I used to have a surf me!

  • #2
    Did you put the diesel in first or the veggi oil?
    What's the best ratio to use at this time of year?
    Did you not have any problems with the oil filter getting clogged up? i've read on other threads that veg oil brings up all the gunk so you might need to change the filter.

    I'm interested cos I just recently bought a surf and am considering using veggie on any long distance trips I do.


    • #3
      im only putting around 9ltr of veg oil in now especially now its starting to get frosty as the veg oil will congeal if it gets too cold..
      yes you should make sure you do a filter change before you run on veg just incase any sludge comes through the system apart from that i put my diesel in first and then top up with veg job done..
      we went down to Newquay pulling a caravan this year around 35o miles worth and was running on 60% veg and never noticed anything drove lovely and pulled just aswell as full diesel.
      Last edited by firefly; 16 November 2005, 11:03.
      if a politition is talking its lying


      • #4
        Originally posted by ferretmanabu
        Did you put the diesel in first or the veggi oil?
        What's the best ratio to use at this time of year?
        Did you not have any problems with the oil filter getting clogged up? i've read on other threads that veg oil brings up all the gunk so you might need to change the filter.

        I'm interested cos I just recently bought a surf and am considering using veggie on any long distance trips I do.
        No problems with filter as yet. I had about half a tank of Diesel in then put the veg on top of this. filled to full with diesel this morning.

        Running great.

        I used to have a surf me!


        • #5
          How do you register with HM Customs and Revenue how much veg oil you use?
          Is it a simple form to fill in or does it get more complex?
          Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


          • #6

            Not to difficult to fill in. See threads relating to EX103. Unfortunately everyone who sends it of now, appears to be charged 47p not 27p as before.
            It is up to you to tell them how much you use, but you must keep a record.
            Still Searching,
            Dick Whittington


            • #7

              Not to difficult to fill in. See threads relating to EX103. Unfortunately everyone who sends it of now, appears to be charged 47p not 27p as before.
              It is up to you to tell them how much you use, but you must keep a record.
              Still Searching,
              Dick Whittington


              • #8
                Originally posted by Philip
                Not to difficult to fill in. See threads relating to EX103. Unfortunately everyone who sends it of now, appears to be charged 47p not 27p as before.
                It is up to you to tell them how much you use, but you must keep a record.
                philip you got an ECHO echo
                Enjoying Life after Cancer


                • #9
                  Phillips not a pseudo name for Fred Elliot is he.

                  I said Phillips not a pseudo name for Fred Elliot is he.


                  • #10

                    This morning frost on car, so was wondering what would happen with my 90% veg and 10% petrol. Started first time and absolutely no rattle as associated with 50veg/50 diesel. Not even a miss from the engine. Was thinking to also put on an electric water heater, apart from the F/C heater, but see no need.
                    Have also now put a water filter next to heater, so should be interesting to see what it collects. Will post picture if filter helps.
                    Last but not least, have had problems with vibration at about 60-70. Had tracking done, not once but twice and also wheels balanced, which helped but did not get rid of it. Yesterday had front wheels put on back and vice versa. Now runs like a new car. 90 MPH with no vibrations.
                    Don't quite understand why its better. Tyres on front where fairly new.
                    regards to all Philip
                    Still Searching,
                    Dick Whittington


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Philip
                      This morning frost on car, so was wondering what would happen with my 90% veg and 10% petrol. Started first time and absolutely no rattle as associated with 50veg/50 diesel. Not even a miss from the engine. Was thinking to also put on an electric water heater, apart from the F/C heater, but see no need.
                      Have also now put a water filter next to heater, so should be interesting to see what it collects. Will post picture if filter helps.
                      Last but not least, have had problems with vibration at about 60-70. Had tracking done, not once but twice and also wheels balanced, which helped but did not get rid of it. Yesterday had front wheels put on back and vice versa. Now runs like a new car. 90 MPH with no vibrations.
                      Don't quite understand why its better. Tyres on front where fairly new.
                      regards to all Philip
                      do you have any mods other than a fuel cat to run on 90% veg?? thats pretty high for this time fo year! how long have you been running on that for and finally what are the implications if any of mixing with petrol instead of diesel?? - sorry to ask so many questions - am just about to start on veg properly - as soon as the fuel cat arrives - have done it once for the mot (to lower emmissions) but not consistantly
                      Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


                      • #12

                        Only use my Fuel cat heater. Started the car up this evening again, still very cold out. Same thing, easy starting and no clatter like when i used diesel mixed with veg oil. Personally, i think and only think, that as long as not more than say 6-7 pounds unleaded, with the rest being veg oil is OK. Must be better for pump etc as no strain and certainly on injectors, as i believe if veg oil does not burn completely, injectors would get screwed up. You would i think, first notice an increase in consumption, as spray would not be good enough to burn fuel completely. Although i make and sell things for cars, i am not a mechanic, ask Tony.
                        I sold a unit to a guy who workes for the biggest construction company in Uk.
                        Well i have an appointment with them in two weeks time. Only 4000 vehicles.
                        Wish me luck.
                        Rgds Philip
                        Still Searching,
                        Dick Whittington


                        • #13
                          Out there like Shakleton

                          Me? I'm all talk, no action. 5 litres so far.

                          I think putting thinners in Vegoil is one method people are finding works. A couple of businesses have set up supplying the stuff. And also the 'Complete Burn' issue (leaving no carbon residuals in the combustion chamber) seems fairly critical with Vegoil. Do you think you using thinners is equivalent to other people installing pre-heating systems?

                          Please let us know how you get on, ie, esepcially if you experience problems!

                          For me, I have a hot alternator! Time for a new one!

                          Good driving and thanks for the info!


