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Advice after off roading

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  • Advice after off roading

    Hi chaps. I went hunting yesterday and did a bit off unplanned off roading in my surf. I definitely need to go out with some more experienced guys before I do any serious off roading. I think I almost got stuck but reversed out just to be safe.

    What I wanted to know was what do I need to do to clean the surf up after the off road action. There was a fair bit of mud and my wheels became covered in them so I cleaned them. What do I need to do to the car underneath?

    Also, since I went off road, my brake warning light comes on very faint sometimes for short periods and goes off again. this keeps happening whilst I'm driving. I;ve read previous posts which suggest that it could be the sensor in the fluid or the brake drum at the rear. what do I need to do to solve this?

    also, is there any possibility that the off roading may have thrown by wheel alignment off at all?

    I was basically driving in very wet mud to get access into an oil seed rape that I was shooting on.

    Also, i woud like to join some people first at an off road centre so that I can start getting into the whole off road thing. Eventually, I'd like to do some green laning. I think I need to buy a lot of the kit but I want to build that up slowly. Are there any meets happening at a centre soon?

  • #2
    most important is that you clean the lights, numberplate and radiator and make sure you don't drop any mud on the road... you'll get told off for that!!... and any excuse to pull you over these days!!

    apart from that, just give everything a good spray with the jetwash!... make sure you get it all out from the bumpers, and nooks and crannies!!... do the engine bay make sure the alternator is clean, rad, and nothing's clogged or rubbing on belts...

    pretty straight foraward really... just don't want wet mud sticking where over time it'll promote rust.

    it does take a long time, and don't expect to make friends when the driveway's caked in it!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      it could be possible that the wheel alignment needs adjusting, if you hit a bump, tuned against something solid??... do a visual check that nothing's obviously bent and get it checked... not very expensive and should be done now and again anyway...

      the brake fluid light is for the level... is it when cornering, accellerating or braking??... it works on a float in the lid of the reservoir so check that.
      the drums get filled up with mud and you'll prbably find they're not so efficient... just give them a good clean out and that will do
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

