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Up North

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  • Up North

    Wish us luck! Going up to Preston (from Portsmouth) this coming sunday
    to pick up my bullbars, Not in the surf though, toooo juicy, Im riding shotgun
    with the winchester pump in my bro in law's postman pat van, Any bandits
    opperating along the m6 (other than the moterway services)? If we've time
    may pop over to Oldham, My old home town, See if they've put one of those
    little blue plaque's up where i was hatched, Dont suppose i'll recconise the
    place now though, Probably changed colour since i was there last, 1959.
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    say hi to my cousin lesley shes in blackpool road, lea
    Enjoying Life after Cancer


    • #3
      Originally posted by pops
      say hi to my cousin lesley shes in blackpool road, lea
      Will she do us lunch, hehe
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Originally posted by ian619
        Will she do us lunch, hehe
        she will make you a Brew son
        the kettle is always on up there
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          Originally posted by pops
          she will make you a Brew son
          the kettle is always on up there
          Know what you mean, northern hospitality, My mum found the difference
          when she moved down here, that was 1946, coulden't stand it at first, but never moved back or lost her accent, Ian
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            Originally posted by ian619
            Know what you mean, northern hospitality, My mum found the difference
            when she moved down here, that was 1946, coulden't stand it at first, but never moved back or lost her accent, Ian
            strange that northerners move south keep accent
            but southerners move north and soon there talking jibberish (i mean northern
            the nose)
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #7
              Originally posted by pops
              strange that northerners move south keep accent
              but southerners move north and soon there talking jibberish (i mean northern
              the nose)
              Aye im a mixture of both, Im always comint out with things my mum used to say, like cum outat road, (get outthe way) and do it tha sen, anyroad
              john travolts's ont box so ill sey thee,Ian
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

