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  • #16
    Originally posted by vatchman
    welcome to the forum.i wont go and spoil it for you though and say you should of got a grey one.ooooops i just did.keep on
    I thought we sorted this out a while ago, in the
    Oops I thik I started a color war!
    The end result is, every Surf is Burgundy
    Its just that some people are color blind!
    Back in the world of Surfdom


    • #17
      Originally posted by Djandco
      The end result is, every Surf is Burgundy
      Its just that some people are color blind!
      as you said a lot of people are color blind and they are the ones who think burgrundy is best we all know that black is best


      • #18
        Originally posted by andrewlee31
        nice truck!!!

        And the right colour!!! ignore the fools Burgundy ones are Quicker!!
        Thanks for all the kind words ! I reckon the Burgundy (Red) ones are by far the classiest tarts, and my 3.0L is certainly quick off the mark, so I have to agree with Andrew. I can actually see hints of Grey, Blue and Black in there somewhere, but, unfortunately NO MUD (as yet).

        It's already been impressing a few lady friends and heads have been turning . . .

        Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened


        • #19
          welcome to the forum.... nice to see a fellow west country person here.
          Nice looking truck and a very nice price. Well done.

          Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


          • #20
            Originally posted by Djandco
            I thought we sorted this out a while ago, in the
            Oops I thik I started a color war!
            The end result is, every Surf is Burgundy
            Its just that some people are color blind!

            I'm Red and Green colour blind. So the only Surfs I see are the blue and black ones! And BLUE is BEST.

            Welcome to Surfdom. I love my truck. And she loves me!!!
            Last edited by M35A2; 8 November 2005, 19:07.


            • #21
              Originally posted by stormforce1067
              as you said a lot of people are color blind and they are the ones who think burgrundy is best we all know that black is best
              To be absolutely pedantic, the more discriminating amongst us know that black over silver is not only the best, but also the fastest!!
              (Ducks quickly to avoid the missiles!!)


              • #22
                whats all this debating about colour..its obvious that green is best as its better for the environment..cough erm cough..cough...
                had my surf now for 10 days..still waiting to add the mud colour to the green but hoping it wont be long now ..
                cheers everyone


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Djandco
                  I thought we sorted this out a while ago, in the
                  Oops I thik I started a color war!
                  The end result is, every Surf is Burgundy
                  Its just that some people are color blind!
                  just thought i would get the ball rolling.didnt mean any arm,but one thing i think we can all say is .it dont matter what colour the surf is.its the best truck in the world and the fools are the ones that buy the mit#;'[;''.i and the likes.

