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Question for Veg users

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  • Question for Veg users

    I see there is quite a bit on here about using veg oil, but i see nothing about how you stop the veg oil from seperating out from the diesel? is this not an issue? recently had a can in the garage with 50/50 mix and it seperated in no time at all!

  • #2
    How long was "no time at all" cause I've tried it in a clear plastic coke bottle and didn't seperate even after being left for a few days.


    • #3
      it dont matter as some who use it have run on 100% veg
      Enjoying Life after Cancer


      • #4
        I've left my surf all week with no probs - mind you if you are worried, you can always give it a little shake to mix the stuff up in the tank before you start the engine.


        • #5
          After a well sceptical start using it, I now think nothing of 60/40 veg/derv. Car (truck) stands overnight does 50 miles, stands all day, does another 50 back.
          Usually visit the pumps for about 40 litres split over 4/5 days, top up with veg in between. Had no problems yet (famous last words ;-))

          Noticed it runs quieter after putting the veg in. Slight chippy smell occasionally. Other than that no probs.

          Go for it!



          • #6
            Originally posted by crazybitch
            I see there is quite a bit on here about using veg oil, but i see nothing about how you stop the veg oil from seperating out from the diesel? is this not an issue? recently had a can in the garage with 50/50 mix and it seperated in no time at all!
            I've never mixed it outside the tank, so have no idea how quickly it may separate, however if the vehicle is in regular use it should not be a problem as it is mixed partly by the motion of the vehicle, but also via the fuel return line. The fuel pump pumps more fuel then is actually used, the remainder being returned directly to the tank, this will help keep the mixture on the move and mixed together.
            Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


            • #7
              Originally posted by crazybitch
              I see there is quite a bit on here about using veg oil, but i see nothing about how you stop the veg oil from seperating out from the diesel? is this not an issue? recently had a can in the garage with 50/50 mix and it seperated in no time at all!
              A few weeks ago i conducted a temp trial on various mixes of veg, veg/white spirit and veg/unleaded to see how temp affects viscosity. since my trials these sample jars have stood undisturbed in my garage for over two weeks now, and after reading this post, I went to check for separation.
              All samples are exactly as i left them, with no visable seperation.
              however - noticed veg/unleaded (90%/10%) shows signs of "blooming" - powdery white opaque lumps forming.
              Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by jaky cakes
                A few weeks ago i conducted a temp trial on various mixes of veg, veg/white spirit and veg/unleaded to see how temp affects viscosity. since my trials these sample jars have stood undisturbed in my garage for over two weeks now, and after reading this post, I went to check for separation.
                All samples are exactly as i left them, with no visable seperation.
                however - noticed veg/unleaded (90%/10%) shows signs of "blooming" - powdery white opaque lumps forming.

                wont try that then.........Ta!
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                • #9
                  I broke my virgin Veg cherry last week. Put 9lts of Tesco's veg in then topped up with diesel. Not sure what that works out percentage wise, but it seem's to run ok, and started ok this morning with a slight frost on the paintwork. Mind you, stinks of chip shops. Am now scanning horizon for VOSA vans!!!

