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Little Darling

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  • Little Darling

    OK, scenario...

    4 year olds paddling pool has been sitting in garden for a while now......not being used and daddy has been quite happy watching it fill up with crane flies, daddy long legs, leaves etc....., when mummy decides, pool has been there long enough since the summer, daddy should clean it, let it down and put it away..............well, seeing as this was about the 15th time of asking, I thought I'd better give it a go.

    So, daddy see's no better excuse than to pop down Makros and buy a brand new shiny pressure washer, as its the done thing to buy something new if wifey asks for a job to be done

    Daddy does this in about 10 mins flat, comes back with big box and big grin!!!!.
    Fits it all together, throws away instructions, and curses everyone in sight while he's trying to figure out how it works.

    Daddy attaches pipe to lance and asks mini person to turn on tap !!!!!!

    Daddy then realises, he should have secured the the pipe to the lance with a spanner as finger tight pressure does not seem sufficient as he gets covered head to toe in a torrent of water from the loose fitting.

    Cue, fits of laughter from 4 year old..........daddy grunts, moans, goes inside, dries off and changes clothes ready to face the action.

    Daddy re-emerges.............with spanner !!!, tightens said nut and washer is firing on all cylinders.

    Daddy is in he's element doing the hubby thing and showing everyone how good he is with a pressure washer, crane flies, beetles and stuff are flying in all directions. Grime is coming off a treat, and pool looks like a new pin.

    This pool is inflated around the edge, but the floor is deflated and its leaning against the fence.

    Little person says, "Can I have a go daddy?".

    Not really, cos its a big adult man thing....

    "Oh please"

    Ok, but I'll hold it with you as its very powerful,

    Daddy, helps little person remove grime as if it wasn't there, with both smiling at their ability.Daddy tells mini washer to keep the jet of water on the floor of the pool.....NOT AROUND THE INFLATEABLE BIT !!!!!

    Daddy turns he's back for a second, whilst little person shouts at mummy to show her whats she's doing......CRACK !!!!!!.....like a shot from a sniper rifle three holes straight through the inflatable tubing around the sides..............Prrrrrrrrrr ppppppp.............and watch in disbelief as the pool wilts before me.

    Pool is now STILL in garden, upside down, collecting rain water, beetles, crane flies and leaves, but I have a shiny new pressure washer!!, which I wouldn't have had if the wife hadn't forced me to clean it.

    .................but the pools still there...he he he he he

  • #2
    Thanks Fieldsy,

    nothing funnier... than coffee shooting out of my nose....

    It is true, all of it... Its been like that everyday since we moved in...


    • #3
      HeHe, Great! You know what they say! NEVER work with children or animals,
      On the subject of blow up things, Last christmas someone shot next doors
      blow up santa with an air gun, as it deflated it leaned forward over the back
      of a blow up reindeer, Bl00dy hilarious! Looked like santa giving rudolf a good
      seeing to, The bloke wigged out big time having just forked out about £200
      on all this stuff and lights, He put a patch on santa and blew it up again and
      buggar me it got shot again two nights later, Dont think he's bothering this year, Ian
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

