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Warning RE: WINDOW TINTS etc

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  • Warning RE: WINDOW TINTS etc

    There's been a lot of activity in the north Manchester area recently in a joint venture by DVLA, Customs and Excise, Imigration, DSS and VOSA. Basically they are pulling vehicles in for roadside checks, and going over them and the occupants with a fine tooth comb.
    My sister was pulled in her 2 year old Rav4, and given 7 days to remove tints from the front side windows. These were supposedly legal tints, fitted by Toyota as an extra when the car was new. Toyota have paid for the removal of the tints and they also paid the fixed penalty. Apparently, the law changed this year regarding the amount of light they have to let through. There were quite a number of other people in BMW's and Merc's who were very unhappy too!!
    Once you are pulled, if you are a diesel owner, they like to make sure thats all you have in your tank.
    They say they are doing this kind of random operation all over the country, so if you are running dodgy, dont give them any excuse to pull you. They also got quite a few for number plate irregularities, IE spacing and text font. There was a bit in the local rag, see below.


  • #2
    Originally posted by Pete
    There's been a lot of activity in the north Manchester area recently in a joint venture by DVLA, Customs and Excise, Imigration, DSS and VOSA. Basically they are pulling vehicles in for roadside checks, and going over them and the occupants with a fine tooth comb.
    My sister was pulled in her 2 year old Rav4, and given 7 days to remove tints from the front side windows. These were supposedly legal tints, fitted by Toyota as an extra when the car was new. Toyota have paid for the removal of the tints and they also paid the fixed penalty. Apparently, the law changed this year regarding the amount of light they have to let through. There were quite a number of other people in BMW's and Merc's who were very unhappy too!!
    Once you are pulled, if you are a diesel owner, they like to make sure thats all you have in your tank.
    They say they are doing this kind of random operation all over the country, so if you are running dodgy, dont give them any excuse to pull you. They also got quite a few for number plate irregularities, IE spacing and text font. There was a bit in the local rag, see below.

    Hi Pete, They dont know what to do next do they? Isuppose its much
    easier than catching burgulars and yobs, I'm surprised they let the "blinks"
    get away with it, multi coloured LED's and flouresent tubes underneath
    I once got a tug for showing a blue light behind the bonnet badge on a velox
    Luckily im running straight and only the rears are tinted, Regards Ian
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      there's nothing wrong with having lights on the car... as long as there's no red at the front and blue is constant and doesn't flash in any way...

      they're doing a lot of stopping in basingstoke... signs up saying "traffic census"... not sure what they're doing, but only seem to be asking questions... although the police are there too!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Yeah. There is obviously no gun crime, rape, burglery, distraction burglery on elderly people, street robbery, drug dealing, loan sharking and the good people of North Manchester have become so law-abiding that all they have to look at cars.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          Originally posted by da SLUG man
          there's nothing wrong with having lights on the car... as long as there's no red at the front and blue is constant and doesn't flash in any way...

          they're doing a lot of stopping in basingstoke... signs up saying "traffic census"... not sure what they're doing, but only seem to be asking questions... although the police are there too!

          My mates a delivery driver and he got tugged 5 times in one day
          [SIZE=5]A bad days fishing is better than a good days work[/SIZE]


          • #6
            Originally posted by da SLUG man
            they're doing a lot of stopping in basingstoke... signs up saying "traffic census"... not sure what they're doing, but only seem to be asking questions... although the police are there too!
            They are trying to determine traffic patterns so they can create more chaos (like at Brighton Hill oundabout) in the name of traffic calming, and road improvement!!! Police are just there to control the traffic into and out of the census lanes. They arn't asking questions of checking vehicles - though they may notice obvious stuff like out of date tax disc I guess.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Linda
              They are trying to determine traffic patterns so they can create more chaos (like at Brighton Hill oundabout) in the name of traffic calming, and road improvement!!! Police are just there to control the traffic into and out of the census lanes. They arn't asking questions of checking vehicles - though they may notice obvious stuff like out of date tax disc I guess.

              OR, the smell of chips cooking in the back!


              • #8
                Originally posted by FISH EAGLE
                My mates a delivery driver and he got tugged 5 times in one day
                There nowt wrong with that the lucky begger


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Andy W
                  There nowt wrong with that the lucky begger


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by FISH EAGLE
                    My mates a delivery driver and he got tugged 5 times in one day
                    Surprised he finds time to work!!


                    • #11
                      I got pulled into a tezting sstation today (the one on the A556/M56 junction)

                      Luckily i had no probs - was running on diesel no veg and ev was all above board.

                      I do have window tints on the front drivers and passenger window 100% all round the rear and 25% tint on the front. The inspector never said a word about them
                      Paranoid? They're out to GET YOU!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FISH EAGLE
                        My mates a delivery driver and he got tugged 5 times in one day
                        Isn't that supposed to make you go blind. Maybe if you just stop when it seems like you've got tints
                        You aint seen me, right


                        • #13
                          If I'm running legit, keep a copy of my 'fuel substitute producer' document in the glove compartment, only tints on the rear, upto date tax, mot, insurance etc.. and they delay me on the way into work, say for 30mins while they check everything. Who do I ask to send the bill to The firm I work for normally charge my day rate at about £585....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by KeithP
                            If I'm running legit, keep a copy of my 'fuel substitute producer' document in the glove compartment, only tints on the rear, upto date tax, mot, insurance etc.. and they delay me on the way into work, say for 30mins while they check everything. Who do I ask to send the bill to The firm I work for normally charge my day rate at about £585....
                            Ummm Let me quess your either a Surgeon or a Plumber? Was going to say have you got a minute but dont think i can afford it hehehe,
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              He, he

                              Oracle/Unix DBA


                              erm..I think that means geek! ;-)
                              Last edited by KeithP; 4 November 2005, 21:36.

