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who forgot to put the clocks back

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  • who forgot to put the clocks back

    thought it was 630 am when i got up with the baby this morning, then my better half told me we put the clocks back last night..... "so you telling me its half five??" oh my god i could have had an extra hour in bed..... now how could i explain that to a 7 month old baby
    CHEERS JOHN................

  • #2
    Originally posted by slim
    thought it was 630 am when i got up with the baby this morning, then my better half told me we put the clocks back last night..... "so you telling me its half five??" oh my god i could have had an extra hour in bed..... now how could i explain that to a 7 month old baby
    now if you realy want to worry the forum clock says 0818 but my puter says its 0718. I knew we was good but hey not even Einstine could TIME TRAVEL..
    If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


    • #3
      used to getting up early here
      mind you still bally early init
      Enjoying Life after Cancer


      • #4
        I think our kids forgot,they were both up at 5.30am
        Powered by ????


        • #5
          Originally posted by slim
          thought it was 630 am when i got up with the baby this morning, then my better half told me we put the clocks back last night..... "so you telling me its half five??" oh my god i could have had an extra hour in bed..... now how could i explain that to a 7 month old baby

          I too woke up at 04.30 instead of 05.30 and my wife was feeding our 7 week old..he usualy eats at 5 so It must have been 5.30....I thien got to work 1 hour early and gave the night shift a good laugh.....they should have run a wager !
          Nili secundum desperandum


          • #6
            i didn't even know!
            must have been up at 4:30 then... thought it was darker than usual!

            so, when's eastenders on?
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

