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Sat Nav Jap style

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  • Sat Nav Jap style


    Can anyone tell me if a Sat NAv in a Jap car would work when it is brought to the UK ? Would it need new software etc ? Would it talk in Japanees even ?



  • #2
    Originally posted by BI1

    Can anyone tell me if a Sat NAv in a Jap car would work when it is brought to the UK ? Would it need new software etc ? Would it talk in Japanees even ?


    You only need to do one small thing,, place the whole unit in the bin, they dont work over here

    I never ever apologise for anything. http://www.onestopshopformultimedia.com/smile.gif If you dont like it I am sorry but thats the way I am


    • #3
      I have one that talks to me, in Japanese of course, but it doesn't "work" as such. All the instructions, and the overlay on the display are in Japanese. Still it's a good talking point, and as the rest of the unit works, I'm keeping it. I bought a band expander, but now need to know how far does it extend the bands, I can't get Radio4 at the moment, and I like to listen to the afternoon play when I'm driving, so if it will get me there, I will fit it.
      Last edited by Silver Surfer; 28 November 2003, 15:00.
      http://members.dodo.com.au/burston/drinkofbeer.gifA pint of lunatic soup please!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Silver Surfer
        I have one that talks to me, in Japanese of course, but it doesn't "work" as such. All the instructions, and the overlay on the display are in Japanese. Still it's a good talking point, and as the rest of the unit works, I'm keeping it. I bought a band expander, but now need to know how far does it extend the bands, I can't get Radio4 at the moment, and I like to listen to the afternoon play when I'm driving, so if it will get me there, I will fit it.

        It should extend the bandwidth to allow most if not all the stations to be received. The actual freq numbers will not tally up though, eg. radio 2 might be 98.2 (aint got a clue) but would come on 67.1.
        They generally are rubbish, you will find you will get some stations but not all, only good if you live on top of the transmitter.
        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

        My 4x4
        My choice
        Back off


        • #5
          Originally posted by Koi
          It should extend the bandwidth to allow most if not all the stations to be received. The actual freq numbers will not tally up though, eg. radio 2 might be 98.2 (aint got a clue) but would come on 67.1.
          They generally are rubbish, you will find you will get some stations but not all, only good if you live on top of the transmitter.
          To expand on Hoi's point. Band expanders generally expand the band by around 18 - 20 mhz however in the UK we use even decimals for the in use frequencies such as 95.8, 106.2 etc etc. In Japan and on their units they use odd decimals eg. 88.1, 86.3 etc. This is another reason why the band expander option unless it expands the band by a whole number plus an odd decimal will mean that you will get pretty bad reception. The best you will do is connect to Capital for instance on 95.7 or 95.9 which is one decimal off on either side which will mean you will only pick up overspill on the signal.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Koi
            It should extend the bandwidth to allow most if not all the stations to be received. The actual freq numbers will not tally up though, eg. radio 2 might be 98.2 (aint got a clue) but would come on 67.1.
            They generally are rubbish, you will find you will get some stations but not all, only good if you live on top of the transmitter.
            it's 88-91 FM !!! obviously not a listener to alex 3-6am!! (SLAP MY TOP)
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Newest forum member Hoi's.
              Sorry Lucky had to beet Martin to that one.
              Rubblebags (Geoff).


              • #8
                Lucky what is overspill please.
                Rubblebags (Geoff).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rubblebags
                  Lucky what is overspill please.
                  when you over fill your glass while driving. DOH
                  Enjoying Life after Cancer


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by popbriscoe
                    when you over fill your glass while driving. DOH
                    i thought it was the bit that won't tuck in your trousers?

                    or the people in basingstoke?
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dabigman
                      i thought it was the bit that won't tuck in your trousers?

                      or the people in basingstoke?
                      lost for reply.
                      top reply there 10 out of 10

                      PS is that right linda
                      Enjoying Life after Cancer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by popbriscoe
                        lost for reply.
                        top reply there 10 out of 10

                        PS is that right linda
                        No idea - maybe he means Popley??



                        • #13
                          it's ok, Linda Masquerades as somone from the posh bit!...

                          of course we all know she's a Buckskin girl!
                          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                          • #14
                            There are people in Basingstoke??

                            http://members.dodo.com.au/burston/drinkofbeer.gifA pint of lunatic soup please!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Silver Surfer
                              There are people in Basingstoke??

                              i saw a few passing through there this afternoon,
                              think they were LOST
                              Enjoying Life after Cancer

