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Mac4x4 2006 Forum - The 'New & Improved' Forum is live

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  • Mac4x4 2006 Forum - The 'New & Improved' Forum is live

    People may remember that I set up a Mac 4x4 forum a few months ago...I have decided
    to re-vamp it and us another forum host.....

    CLICK HERE to take a look at my 'new & improved' Mac4x4 Challenge Forum!

    This forum is for anyone who has, or is is thinking about, entering the Mac 4x4. Or
    you can just with other Mac 4x4 entrants.

    Feel free to register. I am wanting loads of people to chat on there and also leave
    pics, etc. Feel free to register and leave any comments.....
    Tim / tpb4x4
    Event Co-Organiser of the Help for Heroes 4x4 European Rally (H4H Rally)
    Official Website: http://www.h4hrally.co.uk

  • #2
    Just had a quick look, and it looks good. Will have a lomger look tonight after work,

    Cheers, Nick
    "The force will be with you, always!"


    • #3
      Beware ! This guy drives a Paj...... , you know , one off the enemies type vehicle .

      Last I heard it has a Hilux Forum sticker on it . .

      Need to rejoin it , it does have a Toyota section on there .
      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

