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Driving tips

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  • Driving tips

    I've got myself a ln130 2.4 surf. Should be on the road by end of next week

    I was just wondering if you guys had any tips on driving the thing, as in things to do, things not to do etc.

  • #2
    Start the truck, select drive, find some mud, select 4wd and go for it

    The only thing I would check is whether it's been imported on Jap Winter Duelers - these have been attributed to a few scares and accidents due to the compound not being suited (too hard) for UK roads. Other then that, drive it as you would any 4x4!
    Real trucks don't have spark plugs


    • #3
      Like Snoop says: It's a truck weighing the best part of 2 tonnes, with a higher CG than a car. If you hurl it round bends like a GTI it will end in tears (or in the hedge).
      On the road, relax! Enjoy the trip - rushing may only save you a matter of minutes, WILL make the truck drink more diesel, and WILL increase your chances of having an accident. Leave a few minutes early instead.
      THis is now less of a problem getting the kids out earlier - instead of "Do we have to?", it is now "Are we going in the Surf?"

      Oh, and don't stamp on the loud pedal when turning out of a junction - when in RWD, the inside rear tyre will spin even on a dry road, and if you gas it hard both rear tyres will spin DAMHIK This can be quite entertaining, if a little disconcerting for the rest of the traffic on Lower Thames Street

      Also (part 2) if it's a 2nd Gen, don't run in 4WD on the road, as the lack of a centre diff means the transmission will wind up on bends.

      I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


      • #4
        hold the round thing in front right seat and press right pedal with foot
        and stick fuel in the hole near the back on right hand side too
        and to take foot off aforementioned pedal and hit it on the other pedal down there
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          Originally posted by pops
          hold the round thing in front right seat and press right pedal with foot
          and stick fuel in the hole near the back on right hand side too
          and to take foot off aforementioned pedal and hit it on the other pedal down there
          Dear pops

          The only hole I can find near the back on the right hand side is quite low down, on a pipe sitcking out underneath. When I put fuel into this hole, it runs out again, and I burnt my hand on the edge of the hole, as it was hot. Also, no matter how much fuel I put into this hole, the fuel gauge doesn't move. Am I doing something wrong, or should I try putting the fuel in the hole on the other side of the car? I haven't used this one so far, as it has a cover over it and a screwed-on cap to stop you putting anything into it

          Please advise, as I am getting increasingly bruised from slipping over on the pool of diesel next to the truck...

          I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


          • #6
            Originally posted by pops
            hold the round thing in front right seat and press right pedal with foot
            and stick fuel in the hole near the back on right hand side too
            and to take foot off aforementioned pedal and hit it on the other pedal down there

            hehehe, Pops - some of us are the round thing in the front right seat
            Real trucks don't have spark plugs


            • #7
              Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
              Dear pops

              The only hole I can find near the back on the right hand side is quite low down, on a pipe sitcking out underneath. When I put fuel into this hole, it runs out again, and I burnt my hand on the edge of the hole, as it was hot. Also, no matter how much fuel I put into this hole, the fuel gauge doesn't move. Am I doing something wrong, or should I try putting the fuel in the hole on the other side of the car? I haven't used this one so far, as it has a cover over it and a screwed-on cap to stop you putting anything into it

              Please advise, as I am getting increasingly bruised from slipping over on the pool of diesel next to the truck...
              dear Captain (stupid boy PIKE)

              park the truck forwards on a hill
              failing that i sure the hole is on the right side of your truck near the back not the left side in the pipe you found. gosh have i got one of those holes must have a look when i got less time
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #8
                Originally posted by Snoop
                hehehe, Pops - some of us are the round thing in the front right seat
                and attached to the dash hey
                Enjoying Life after Cancer


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pops
                  dear Captain (stupid boy PIKE)

                  park the truck forwards on a hill
                  failing that i sure the hole is on the right side of your truck near the back not the left side in the pipe you found. gosh have i got one of those holes must have a look when i got less time
                  Dear pops

                  I have parked the truck forwards on a hill, and have removed the hole from the left hand side of the truck, and welded it to the right hand side, near the back. When I get time, I will weld some plate over the hole this has left on the other side, as this is now letting in a draft. There was another pipe behind the flap, but I have glued a plug into this with some silicone sealant until I can work out what it is, so that shouldn't be a problem for the moment.
                  The pipe at the bottom was definitely on the right, but I have taken your advice that it should be on the left, and have bent the pipe underneath the car so that it now ends at the left hand side. I presume I am missing some sort of bracket, as there is nothing to hold it on, but I have secured it with some baler twine for now.
                  I now find when putting fuel into this hole that it no longer runs out again, but it now appears to be filling up the boot area of the truck. I have therefore made up some baffles with plywood to stop it sloshing about when driving.
                  Do you think this would also make a suitable settlement tank for using WVO?

                  I have also uprated the ventilation fans to increase the airflow through the passenger compartment, as the smell of diesel is giving me a headache.

                  Does diesel affect the door seals? I am now getting a leak around the bottom of the tailgate. Please advise.

                  I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pops
                    and attached to the dash hey
                    Well in our truck, I'm the round thing in the drivers seat and Lottie is usually attached to the dash with white knuckles
                    Real trucks don't have spark plugs


                    • #11
                      Just been out to have a look, Dont think i've got a round thing! mind you it is dark, I'll have a look in the morning,
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ian619
                        Just been out to have a look, Dont think i've got a round thing! mind you it is dark, I'll have a look in the morning,

                        Ever thought it a bit strange. You put an almost clear liquid in the hole on the right under the rectangular flap, and if you press the pedal on the right too hard you get loads of black smoke out of the hole on the left!!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rich Wildsmith
                          Ever thought it a bit strange. You put an almost clear liquid in the hole on the right under the rectangular flap, and if you press the pedal on the right too hard you get loads of black smoke out of the hole on the left!!!!
                          My hole on the left fell off on Salisbury plains....
                          Real trucks don't have spark plugs


                          • #14
                            Remember its a rear wheel drive vehicle, so go easy with the go go pedal in the wet on the bends.
                            Drive it smoothly and all will be well, get a feel for it, all/most of us have been spoilt with front wheel drive cars.
                            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                            My 4x4
                            My choice
                            Back off

