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eBay Again!

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  • eBay Again!

    Right, paid for items using Paypal. Three days later the transaction status shows "Items pending payment by Paypal."
    I thought Paypal was pretty well instant, although the guy had some cryptic footline about only accepting Paypal if it is paid through a Debit Card/Current Account, but not if the Paypal is linked to a Credit Card. It shouldn't make any difference to him how I pay my Paypal Account. In fact he will have no way of knowing. Will he?
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    Hi something to do with any payment made with a credit card can still be withdrawn, and a payment through your bank account cannot .


    • #3
      I think if payment is with a credit card, the buyer has to pay a premium to accept that payment. It isn't much, but if you end up selling a lot of stuff, it can all add up..
      It just does, OK?


      • #4
        It's only on a Halifax Cardcash account. I got wise and put my cards through the shredder years ago. I'm too ****** tight to pay interest!
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          my last experiance with paypal cause me to register ihatepaypal.co.uk but ive yet to reach a point where i could put my thoughts into polite language so it remains a project yet to come.

