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feel all warm inside..

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  • feel all warm inside..

    Just paid my tenner subs fee.
    Feel all warm inside now, knowing my money will go to a good cause.

    Just going to sit by the front door now until the Star arrives.

    Also bunged a few quid in the bucket for the Pakistan quake..

    Maybe I am not such a bad bloke afterall !

  • #2
    Originally posted by red harry
    Just paid my tenner subs fee.
    Feel all warm inside now, knowing my money will go to a good cause.

    Just going to sit by the front door now until the Star arrives.
    Welcome to the blue star club

    Although we should have a choice of colours,
    I want a Burgundy Star!
    Back in the world of Surfdom


    • #3
      Burgundy stars are extra, a lot extra
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        You can't put a price on class!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Koi
          Burgundy stars are extra, a lot extra
          Oi, Mr showoff, whith your Gold star.
          Its not like I wanted one like yours.
          You will always be a one of a kind
          Back in the world of Surfdom


          • #6
            Djandco, you Surfin' yet?


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              Djandco, you Surfin' yet?
              Used my litle babe today, went everywhere and did what a surf does best.
              Kept going!

              Happy as a pig in shoes!

              Only I now seem to have a bad cloaking device failure.
              Cant see anyone following me anymore!
              Back in the world of Surfdom


              • #8
                Originally posted by Djandco
                Cant see anyone following me anymore!
                Does it smoke that much then.


                • #9
                  stars and stickers

                  Welcome the the blue star club Red Harry...i agree, i think we should get a burgundy star!!

                  Talking of stars..any news on the stickers etc. koi?
                  So many toys-So little cash


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Djandco
                    Oi, Mr showoff, whith your Gold star.
                    Its not like I wanted one like yours.
                    You will always be a one of a kind
                    one of kind?

                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TonyN
                      one of kind?

                      Ok, so you have use of a gold one too.
                      That will probably make you a

                      Select groupe of individuals who won the gold star in the hilux games in Paris 1986 or something.

                      Still think you are a show off!
                      Back in the world of Surfdom


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by andy
                        Does it smoke that much then.
                        Unfortunatly, yes
                        The sound of an E$cort without any oil in has returned, but the rear cloaking device switch seems stuffed.
                        Cant turn the black smoke off any more
                        Back in the world of Surfdom

