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  • #16
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
    Apparently the film still holds the record for the most amount of cars destroyed in a film.....93.
    Would have thought that would have been the ducks of hazard!
    Or as it is a tv series, does that not count?
    Back in the world of Surfdom


    • #17
      Originally posted by Djandco
      Would have thought that would have been the ducks of hazard!
      Or as it is a tv series, does that not count?
      I would have thought that would be The Blues Brothers...

      Ford naff?

      Some, yes.

      Then again - GT40, RS200

      I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


      • #18
        Yes, it does not.......er.....count.......e r.....Ithink
        What was the question again?


        • #19
          Originally posted by DaveD
          Anything with the Shelby name attached is usually a bit special......
          am i special then???

          lets go get dirty...


          • #20
            Originally posted by shelly
            am i special then???


            esp as you have a blue one!!
            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


            • #21

              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              WHAT? No way Are Fords for 'Chavs', I've always had Fords, always rear wheel drive and never below 2.0 litres.
              Mens cars they are!
              for my money [scratch chin.....age showing] the finest Ford was the Mk 3, Zodiac executive, straight 6 pot circa 1965 the engine as smooth as silk, had a tone all af it's own, auto with the leather bench seat in the front for a little hanky panky.
              [feels a little tear welling up].............................. .......
              ..............if only I could remember what hanky p................. sob!
              and oh yes metalic Ice Blue with black vynal? roof
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one


              • #22
                Originally posted by fatfires
                for my money [scratch chin.....age showing] the finest Ford was the Mk 3, Zodiac executive, straight 6 pot circa 1965 the engine as smooth as silk, had a tone all af it's own, auto with the leather bench seat in the front for a little hanky panky.
                [feels a little tear welling up].............................. .......
                ..............if only I could remember what hanky p................. sob!
                and oh yes metalic Ice Blue with black vynal? roof
                Old lady my Dad worked for had a V8 Pilot (funny enough it was blue) years ago, that had four hydraulic jacks (one on each corner) that you dropped to change a wheel. It ended its life towing gliders on top of Senghenydd mountain, all because so many people (including me) wanted it, she thought it would be fairer that way
                Ill catch him when the wind changes Black is Best


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  Ah, now, that's where I beg to differ. The Lotus, to me is tiny, I've been in one, and to get out of it I had to literally crawl out. It should be Lotus elite sized.
                  The same for the Ford Puma, I liked that when it came out but when I saw it in the flesh, it too was tiny. It would look so much better and have more 'street cred' if it was just a third bigger.
                  It's probably why I prefer the 'muscle car' look, 'cos they look like they mean business and they have the power to back it up.

                  SIZE MATTERS



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jofin0
                    Old lady my Dad worked for had a V8 Pilot (funny enough it was blue) years ago, that had four hydraulic jacks (one on each corner) that you dropped to change a wheel. It ended its life towing gliders on top of Senghenydd mountain, all because so many people (including me) wanted it, she thought it would be fairer that way
                    Ill catch him when the wind changes Black is Best

                    Senghenydd? I fitted a Kitchen there six weeks ago.....................The village where the high street doesn't go anywhere, except to a farm.


                    • #25
                      V8 Pilot (funny enough it was blue) ..............
                      all because so many people (including me) wanted it,

                      rest my case, you out there keep proving me right..thanx!
                      then you go and say Black/red /green/pink/yellow/mud/brown/grey is Best
                      Did I mention I have a BLUE one

