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Save Petrol Stations - BIO DIESEL ?

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  • Save Petrol Stations - BIO DIESEL ?

    Hi Forum people....I just noticed on the way into work that alot of SAVE Petrol Stations are delivering BIO Diesel from the pump at 79.9....any comments ? is it safe to use in as much as how does one tell if its been manufactured correctly ?

    anyone used it ?
    Nili secundum desperandum

  • #2
    Tesco's Bio tells you on the pump its 5% veg, the rest is derv, it should be on the pump somewhere.

    Just toss it in, its cheap!!!
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      Originally posted by TonyN
      Tesco's Bio tells you on the pump its 5% veg, the rest is derv, it should be on the pump somewhere.

      Just toss it in, its cheap!!!

      Yeah i would like to but how do I know its not just some ****e knocked toghether to sell to unsuspecting injector cleaning lovers ?
      Nili secundum desperandum


      • #4
        if you saw what i chuck in mine you would not worry as long as it meets the correct bs(british standard not bulls**t) wont be a prob


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyN
          Tesco's Bio tells you on the pump its 5% veg, the rest is derv, it should be on the pump somewhere.

          Just toss it in, its cheap!!!

          Tesco sells their bio diesel 1p more than their city diesel!!!!!!! Cheap my A*se.


          • #6
            Does it say if it is B5 or B100 biodiesel?

            This means it is 5% (B5) , or 100% (B100) biodiesel.
            (5% Biodiesel is in effect not really biodiesel much at all, more like 95% petrodiesel).

            And does it say if it is specification grade, either a DIN number or an EN number ? These are the industry standards which entail stringent performance criterea.

            Most likely you will find it is B5, ie 95% ordinary diesel. The engine manufacturers mostly have not yet warrantied their engines for 100% biodiesel, only for 5% Biodiesel, so the suppliers, mostly, supply that. And yes, most likely it is AOK for the engine. But it is not really biodiesel.



            • #7
              Bio Diesel/Vegetable oil.

              Anyone on else on the forum mixing there Veg oil with unleaded petrol? I am mixing 90/95% veg oil and rest petrol. Seems to be working fine up to now, starts straight away without clatter you can get, even with diesel on cold morning.
              Still Searching,
              Dick Whittington


              • #8
                Originally posted by the careful driver
                Does it say if it is B5 or B100 biodiesel?

                This means it is 5% (B5) , or 100% (B100) biodiesel.
                (5% Biodiesel is in effect not really biodiesel much at all, more like 95% petrodiesel).

                And does it say if it is specification grade, either a DIN number or an EN number ? These are the industry standards which entail stringent performance criterea.

                Most likely you will find it is B5, ie 95% ordinary diesel. The engine manufacturers mostly have not yet warrantied their engines for 100% biodiesel, only for 5% Biodiesel, so the suppliers, mostly, supply that. And yes, most likely it is AOK for the engine. But it is not really biodiesel.

                Cheers Peter, and all.

                I went there today expecting to fill up and the pump was mpty - Grrr. I didnt stick around long enough to notice any EN or DIN but will check next time....
                Nili secundum desperandum


                • #9
                  OK, went to the station to fill up with bio diesel, cool - 40 l for 32 odd quid ! saving 10 quid odd a tank...

                  Incidently there was a sticker on the pump telling you to check with your vehicle manufacturer before using !

                  After filling up I asked the bloke inside what trhe blend ratio was - turns out its 80/20 Derv/Bio...

                  Test is on ! she did feel abit smoother down the motrorway and no loss of power, if anything a gain .... !

                  thinking off adding a fuel cat now to see if I can build on the saving a little further...


                  Nili secundum desperandum


                  • #10
                    Nice to see they offering reasonably cheap, we need to get a list of their stations around the country and support them.

                    I tried googling their name, but can can't find a webpage, anybody know a perant company or whoever that owns them?
                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TonyN
                      Nice to see they offering reasonably cheap, we need to get a list of their stations around the country and support them.

                      I tried googling their name, but can can't find a webpage, anybody know a perant company or whoever that owns them?
                      Yes indeed have to agree, I just hope its properly manufactured !

                      It was a Save station but now its changed to - M -

                      looking on google All I can find is the 192 page ref.



                      Last edited by FlySurfer - Edy.; 20 October 2005, 09:57.
                      Nili secundum desperandum


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=Philip]Anyone on else on the forum mixing there Veg oil with unleaded petrol? I am mixing 90/95% veg oil and rest petrol. Seems to be working fine up to now, starts straight away without clatter you can get, even with diesel on cold morning.[/QUOTE

                        I'm not at the moment, but have read a few things about it. I was a bit hesitant (currently using veg/dino) as I didn't know if it was ok for the engine Like you, I'd like to hear more about it as it sounds like it could be an answer to running on veg through winter.
                        You aint seen me, right


                        • #13
                          hmmm, Liverpool's a little far to go........

                          PS, check out the unshortened URL for your search......... bwahahaha!

                          Originally posted by FlySurfer - Edy.
                          Yes indeed have to agree, I just hope its properly manufactured !

                          It was a Save station but now its changed to - M -

                          looking on google All I can find is the 192 page ref.

                          h ttp://www.192.com/search/details.cfm?action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


                          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                          • #14
                            Tonius, I linked the page so that you could see that it was "stanley filling station" - I didnt think you would come to liverpool to check em out !

                            BTW - do you recon the fuel catr would still give extra mpg on top of the bio D. ?
                            Nili secundum desperandum


                            • #15
                              [QUOTE=Matt the Cat]
                              Originally posted by Philip
                              Anyone on else on the forum mixing there Veg oil with unleaded petrol? I am mixing 90/95% veg oil and rest petrol. Seems to be working fine up to now, starts straight away without clatter you can get, even with diesel on cold morning.[/QUOTE

                              I'm not at the moment, but have read a few things about it. I was a bit hesitant (currently using veg/dino) as I didn't know if it was ok for the engine Like you, I'd like to hear more about it as it sounds like it could be an answer to running on veg through winter.
                              if I'm not mistaken , phillip had a dual tank system and a fuel cat too...
                              Nili secundum desperandum

