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Sh*t Happens

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  • Sh*t Happens

    Well they say things come in 3's. So yesterday it starts with me getting a parkin ticket in Sainsbury's. Then, being a builder the Surf is chocker with tools and so on, I get in Friday night to see a 10 litre pot of White emulsion on its side, opened the tailgate and whoosh. Niagra falls over my drive , the boot space and my tool boxes,
    Whats the next catastrpohie??????????? ( At least Ive had anew head already)

  • #2
    My only advice is .............................. ....don't walk under any ladders.
    It's only a hobby!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Vin
      Well they say things come in 3's. So yesterday it starts with me getting a parkin ticket in Sainsbury's. Then, being a builder the Surf is chocker with tools and so on, I get in Friday night to see a 10 litre pot of White emulsion on its side, opened the tailgate and whoosh. Niagra falls over my drive , the boot space and my tool boxes,
      Whats the next catastrpohie??????????? ( At least Ive had anew head already)
      Hi Vin, how much was the parking ticket, Iwork in Brighton now and again and
      always park in LIDLE's customer car park, never seen any signs or had any problems in a year of going there even saw the guy the first time i went and he said it was ok to park, went on the 12&13th last month and two weeks later i get a demand for 300 snots for parking two days, reduced to 150 if i payd before the 11th this month, so i've paid the 150, SOB's never even put a ticket on the surf so i didnt even know i was doing wrong, Trouble is i parked there again the followin wednesday so i may get another one yet, what a rip off, and i hav'nt needed a new head yet! Good luck Ian
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        isn't sainsbury's usually free parking??

        i once got a warning ticket cos i'd parked there and then gone back later for something else and they just put a note on saying that parking was only for 2 hours.
        just send them your receipt from the shopping.
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #5
          Parking Fine

          Thank goodness the ticket was only £15 if I pay in the next 2 weeks otherwise its £35. Sainsburys in Stanmore share part of their Car park. Some areas have signs indicating that they are reserved, other areas have green hatched lines on tehground, These I NOW KNOW are still allocated parking, Not for your local builder doing a quick job in one of the local flats.
          Live and learn eh!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by ian619
            Hi Vin, how much was the parking ticket, Iwork in Brighton now and again and
            always park in LIDLE's customer car park, never seen any signs or had any problems in a year of going there even saw the guy the first time i went and he said it was ok to park, went on the 12&13th last month and two weeks later i get a demand for 300 snots for parking two days, reduced to 150 if i payd before the 11th this month, so i've paid the 150, SOB's never even put a ticket on the surf so i didnt even know i was doing wrong, Trouble is i parked there again the followin wednesday so i may get another one yet, what a rip off, and i hav'nt needed a new head yet! Good luck Ian

            If they didn't fix a ticket to your vehicle, then the penalty charge notice (PCN) was NOT correctly served, and is therefore invalid - you didn't have to pay it. At least, this is far as I understand it - this is what happened to me with a case in London. Scrote traffic warden went along a line of cars writing down numbers, printed tickets off all in one go then went along slapping the tickets on, in the hope that he could ticket the whole line of cars before anyone noticed. I noticed, fortunately, got in the car and drove away. 2 weeks later, a demand for paymeny came through to my company, who forwarded it to me. I contacted the AA for advice, who advised me as above. I wrote to the appeals department stating my case, ie that the ticket had not been correctly served, and they replied saying the ticket had been voided.
            Check with a solicitor, but I think this also applies for private companies.


            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


            • #7
              Captain Beaky

              Hi Peter, Many thanks for the reply and good advise, I thought it was wrong
              not to notfy me by putting a ticket on the car on the first day! Its a good job
              i was'nt working there all week, Im wondering if thats why i have'nt received
              another demand for parking there the following wednesday as i told them
              what i though of their methods in a letter i sent with the payment, I'll
              certainly take some advice from a solictor on this, One good bit of news is
              the guy i was working for there has paid half of the cost! He is a Bangladeshi
              resturant owner ( Memories of india on the waterfront) Brighton Marina.
              What a great guy I wonder how many english bosses would do that,
              Well thanks for the advise again peter, Good luck Ian
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                You're welcome. Best of luck

                I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

