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Not Quite 100

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  • Not Quite 100

    I got 99 MPH (160KPH) out of my 2.4 today when I normaly only get 96 MPH, this is after fitting a twin pipe Stainless steel exhaust on the back! and I was on 50/50 Diesel/Veg.

    (For leagal resons) I own a 3 mile long stretch of road in my back garden! Honest!
    I like Orientals

  • #2
    Watch out, the heads going on 2.4 surfs i think has a lot to do with us British drivers thrashing the bejesus out of what is a truck.
    The japanese dont normally take the cars to more than 75mph and if they do they normally own a drift type car for the weekend.
    Dont mean to be a miserable get but i have owned 3 2.4 surfs and each one has lasted more than 2 years and never had an overheating problem, but i dont go over 75ish mph and import them myself from tokyo but i bet there is a link with head and overheating problems and thrashing the engine.
    Still well done on getting a 2 ton truck to 100 mph with its amazing aerodynamic qualities lol


    • #3
      I do normaly take it easy, but you have to blow the cobwebs out now and then to get rid of the build up of soot, I also have extra cooling vents in the bonnet.
      I like Orientals


      • #4
        Way to go you nutta!


        • #5
          Nah speed ain't got nothing to do with the heads going it was just a dodgy batch of them thats all.
          If it were speed then I think mine would have gone a lot sooner than it did believe me, 99mph keep up lol
          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

          My 4x4
          My choice
          Back off


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bobby Doc
            I got 99 MPH (160KPH) out of my 2.4 today when I normaly only get 96 MPH
            Mine is lucky to do 99 ks, but I would never exceed the speed limit anyway

            Originally posted by Bobby Doc
            (For leagal resons) I own a 3 mile long stretch of road in my back garden! Honest!
            I would need about 30 miles of straight downhill to get that sort of speed.
            '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


            • #7
              Most I ever got out of mine was 92mph but that was on a long straight flat piece of motorway and on the GPS it was only doing 84 mph

              Still I agree you need to blow out the cobwebs sometimes.

